45. Joy and worries

He fainted on the bed as the darkness claimed and was quickly sent into a coma. Although, he made sure to leave a message for his mothers on the communicator at home. His body shrunk down as he was totally knocked out and had nothing left to sustain him from the sleep.

He just said to make sure that the girl he bought doesn't leave the house as it will be suspicious and that he will explain everything when he wakes up.

The forceful awakening of his powers had caused his body to weaken them before and he will have to recuperate that as well.

But he didn't regret doing it. He will do it again if give the choice since his loved ones and his girls were in danger.

——Scene Change——

'Alex-kun'. Raikou, Grayfia, Hinata, Alice and Hancock thought in their heads when they looked at that muscular and safe back.

Raikou wanted to stop him but it was too late as he was already gone before she could say anything to him.

Saying that she was worried was an understatement. She was literally freaking out as she knew that the power radiating from her Alex-kun was going to put a huge strain on his body.

Anything that forcibly gives you so much power is nothing good. Yes evolvers can awaken at higher tiers than fighter but even that had its limits. 'Alex-kun, please be safe'.

She thought about going after him but then she thought about the words he had said. 'Protect them here huh'. She looked towards her friend and sister Grayfia.

Both of them shared a look and just decided ti wait here. Just then Mamako barged into the room as she looked for her Alex-kun but couldn't see him anywhere.

Alice was thinking about the safety that she felt when her Alex transformed into an adult and annihilated those monsters with ease. She felt like he was her idol at that moment.

Same thought was going in Saeko's head, who took out the booken he had gifted her and looked at it with attachment and love.

'My answer is yes, Alex'. She thought as she held the bokken tightly in her embrace.

'Dear'. Hancock was the jewellery box tightly in her hands as she remembered Alex's sunny smile and the safety when he just made the insects vanish with a wave.

Hinata, Robin and Ye Lian were also in awe of the power in front of thrm. Hinata certainly had the feeling of who that was but Robin and Ye Lian didn't think that much as they were a bit of a distance away from him.

"Where's Alex-kun". Mamako asked Raikou as she didn't find him here. She had a certain feeling of where he was but she didn't want to believe in that.

"He left". Raikou said with a downcast expression and sadness.

"Left! How!" Mamako yelled as he got everyone's attention. Seeing everyone looking at her, she quieted down as she asked again.

"He suddenly tranformed-". Raikou explained the situation to her. How he transformed into a muscled man with a lot of power and left to deal with the insects.

As she finished narrating the whole incident, she jerked back and looked the direction of her villa. She felt that something happened to her Alex-kun there. The same goes for Mamako and Grayfia.

The girls also felt something but it wasn't as clear the three son-con mothers present in the shelter. Who had developed a sixth sense for him.

As soon as they felt the change, they vanished from their place. All three of them were gone like the wind and other people could only see a blur.

——Guard Mansion——

A sudden blackout happened happened from the explosion as the City Lord was giving orders and instructions to his subordinates.

"What happened? Go check and report?" The city lord asked a soldier in the room.

The soldier saluted and ran out of the room as wasting time was a stupid thing with the circumstances on hand.

After a minute, another soldier appeared in the room with a joyful face and his voice full of excitement. "Sir! A miracle has occurred! We are saved!"

"Soldier explain!" The City Master looked at Soldier's excitement and asked with a stern voice but his voice couldn't help being raised a few decibels from anticipation.

"Yes Sir!" The soldier straightened his back as he saluted and started explaining.

The more they heard, the more excited they became. All of them had a wide smile of relief on their faces as they congratulated each other.

"Congratulations My Lord. The threat has been neutralised. The gods are in our favour". The generals stood up as they saluted and congratulated the City Lord.

"You too Generals. You too". The City Lord sat down in relief as he smiled and sighed as he looked at the others.

"But this not over yet". The city lord waited for a while so that the excitement could die and started speaking.

"The fight has caused a blackout in the city. We have to sort this out as soon as possible. Also, try to find as much information on this person as possible". The City Lord said as he looked at the others seriously.

"Sir, I will direct the engineers to the blackout". One General said as he stood up and saluted.

"You may". The City Lord nodded and gave the permission.

The general bowed and left the room. The others also started to direct soldiers and find out as much information about that individual as they can.

"Sir, we have inquired and found out that person called himself Alexander The Great". A general saluted as he said.

"Alexander The Great huh, like those Legends from Europe. Find out everything about him". The City Lord directed. 'It'll be good if we can gain a permanent helper'.

After that the City Lord took his leave from the conference room as he made his way to his house. 'I need some relief. Maybe Madeline can help me'. The City Lord thought about his beautiful wife as he walked to his house.