46. Waking

Alex had been knocked out after the incident and it had been a month ever since. The people in the City started to forget about the danger and went about their lives once more.

The only proof of that fight was the changed landscape a bit of a distance away from the city. Where a massive crater and solid magma was left on the ground.

Due to the changes in the atmosphere. Nature had already started to claim back its rightful territory as vegetation started spouting on that site.

People just went back to normal like it was a bad dream. The foolishness and adaptability of human species is frightening.

But the same couldn't be said for Mamako, Raikou, Grayfia and the girls. The three mothers were constantly taking care of the fainted boy and would even pray to god that he would wake up sooner.

The girls were also sad that Alex was in a Coma and he did this to save them from those insects. This gave them more motivation to become stronger.

Raikou had invited Merlin to check up on Alex as she was quite proficient in these things but only she got was that he will wake up.

Due to their evolved physiques, they could go without the need to sleep for a long time but that was taking its toll on them.

They had been sleepless this past month as they just stayed close to Alex all the time. The other Maids just dutifully came and cleaned the estate. They just only knew that their Young Master had encountered something bad and was in a coma.

The girl that Alex had rescued was staying cooped up close to him as she didn't trust anyone and only knew by the feeling that he was the boy, who saved her from that hell.

Her skin was red and when she looked at the other children that came to visit Alex and his mothers, she felt strange and isolated. So she just stayed close to Alex as that gave her a peace of mind, safety and warmth that she never had before.

The other girls did try to talk with her to befriend her but she would just shy away of her bare her teeth at them like a wolf.

They tried for a couple of times and gave up. They were just little girls, they felt bad for her but if she didn't want to befriend them then there was nothing they could do.

The routine continued as usual. The girls would come over after school to look at Alex and stay near him as they talked to each other.

They had also befriended Hancock during this time. Although, her attitude was still quite high but she at least started to talk to them.

They were training together in the dojo to grow stronger. Hinata had also defeated Liam during a challenge as she took her training even harder but among all this. Their motivation was only because of one person, Alex.

Today was a holiday and all of them were currently in the room playing around with each other. The three mothers were sitting around the bed while the girls were playing games in the room.

The red skinned girl also wanted to play with them and enjoy her time with them but she just stayed behind and didn't say it.

Seeing her hesitation, Robin smiled as she came towards he again. "Do you want to play with us?" Robin took her hand as she said.

"No!" The girl shouted as she tried to snatch back her hand from her. She was successful at it because the experiments had given her a superior body to her peers.

"Why, I know you want to play with us. I can tell from your face". Robin inquired as she felt a bit sad because of her rejection.

The other girls also came towards their direction as they stood beside Robin. "You should also play with us. We won't bite you". Alice enthusiastically cheered as she tried to take her hand.

But the girl just started to back away from them as she shied away. She just got back to the bed and held Alex's arm as she felt safe beside him.

"Ugh!" A groan was heard and she looked at her saviour with surprise but after understanding the situation, she immediately held him tightly in anticipation and relief.

"Alex-kun/Alex". The girls and the mothers called Alex at the same time when they heard the groan from his mouth.

If not for his breaths, they would've thought that he is dead. Alex had a glucose bottle strapped to his arm as he was lying down on the bed.

He groaned as he slowly woke up from his deep slumber. He felt like just a few minutes passed but it had been a month since he was knocked out.

Alex slowly opened his blurry and hazy eyes among the exclamations of the girls. His muscles had been atrophied as he wasn't moving for a month. So he will have to spend some time recuperating but he had woken up at the very least. Although, he was looking very skinny.

*sniff* *sniff*

Suddenly, he heard the sound of the girls and his mothers yelling his name and then someone started crying. Followed by the others in the room.

He rubbed his eyes as his vision cleared and he looked around the room to find all the ladies in tears as they streamed down their faces.

"Hey guys, I'm glad I was able to keep you safe". He said this the first thing when he woke up as he was glad, truly glad that everyone was safe and sound.

"Alex, you Baka! You know how worried we were?! We thought you'll never wake up". Alice shouted as she cried and came to Alex as she hugged him tightly.

The three mothers sighed in relief as they also came to Alex's bed and started to check up on his body. The girls also surrounded his bed as they cried as they were feeling very happy and emotional.