50. And another one(timeskip)

It's been 5 years since that day when he had fun with all his Ka-chans. His dick and power had grown since that day and his stamina in bed was something else.

He didn't get rid of his virginity yet but it was only a matter of time now. He was feeling that he will breakthrough to Tier 2 today and finally awaken his full powers.

He secluded himself in a room as he had abundant aura from beasts he killed in the school cultivation room. He just had to refine it.

His full focus was on refining the essence that he failed to notice that currently a girl was looking at him through the walls.

There was a massive blush on her face as she was enjoying the view of his buff and muscled body. She viewed down a bit and almost fainted from seeing the view as she was shy and embarrassed but she still didn't stop looking.

Alex suddenly shuddered as a familiar feeling crept up his back. He looked towards the direction of the feeling and moved his lips like he was speaking. (Hinata-chan, let me cultivate in peace.)

Hinata read the movements of his lips and felt even more embarrassed of being found out peeping at her crush.

She hid her face behind her hands and ran away from there to Alice's house. These guys had actually started training even more arduously and seriously after that whole fiasco of Alex getting knocked out.

They were able to achieve Tier 1, a full two years earlier than the rest of the class students. Albeit, their awakening varied but it was mostly the same.

This did earn them a kiss on the lips from Alex that they took as a reward and also asked for a gift and a date from him at that time.

'It was a good time really'. Alex reminisced as he thought about their slight blush when he gave them a kiss.

Hinata was smoking from the head along with Ye Lian. These girls had the most thin skin among the rest of his girls.

Alice, Hancock and Saeko were the most provocative as they responded in kind when Alex kissed them.

Robin and Zero Two just had normal reactions when they received a kiss from him on the lips but they did have a small blush.

——Flashback no Jutsu——

Alex had asked the coloured girl to sleep in another room for a day as he wanted to sleep with his Ka-chans that day.

After the fun that night, Alex woke up the next day fully refreshed. He got ready to talk to the girl and see what she wanted to do.

He got up and did his daily routine as his mothers had woken up but just kept lying down there for no reason. So he just opted to get out himself and do his thing.

"See you at Breakfast table, Ka-chan". He said and took his leave from the room as the two women were getting ready.

"Bye Alex-chan". Both of them smiled affectionately as they waved their hands.

Alex got to the other girl's room and knocked on the door. He waited but didn't get a reply from inside. So he just pushed the door and got inside.

He felt sad when he saw the girl curled and shivering inside the room as she laid below the quilt on the bed.

He got close to her as he stroked her pink hair. The girl stopped her shivering and smiled when she felt Alex's hand on her head.

"Wake up". Alex gently shook her to wake her up as she groggily opened her eyes.

She saw Alex and latched onto him like a koala as soon as he appeared in her eyes. Last night when she slept alone, she was very afraid. She had a dream that she was back at the facility and they were torturing her in various ways.

She was shivering on the bed while she slept. She only felt relief when she felt Alex's hand on her head and the nightmare vanished like smoke.

"Yosh Yosh, no need to be afraid. Nothing will happen, why, because I AM HERE!!" Alex gave a toothy grin like AllMight as he said.

The girl laughed cutely at Alex's antics as she felt relaxed. 'AllMight, it looks like your lines work everywhere'. Alex saluted AllMight in his mind as he felt the happiness of the girl.

"Do you have a name?" Alex asked after the girl stopped laughing and calmed down.

"Z-Zero T-Two". The girl talked a bit awkwardly as she wasn't used to it yet.

"Very nice name". Alex smiled as he patted Zero-Two's head.

Somehow, her already red face turned even more red. Alex looked at this phenomenon very confused and just chalked it up to Anime Logic.

"T-thank y-you". Zero-Two said awkwardly but with a happy smile on her face.

Alex turned a bit serious as he addressed her. "Alright Zero-Two, what would you like to do now? You can live here or we can help you get to a good orphanage. Don't worry, either option is safe under our watch". Alex assured her as he kept patting her head.

"U-um, I-I w-would l-like t-to stay w-with you". Zero-Two said as she caught Alex's hand tightly on her head, unwilling to let go.

"It's no problem. Welcome to the Family". Alex smiled brightly as he gave Zero-Two a strong hug.

Zero-Two was flustered and blushed at first but then she hugged back with everything she had as she felt safe and peaceful in his embrace.

The atmosphere was broken though, when a loud groan was heard from Zero-Two's stomach.

"Hahaha, guess someone's hungry. Come on, everyone's waiting on the dining table". Alex laughed heartily as he took her hand and led her out.

Zero-Two blushed as she held Alex's hand and followed behind him while keeping her head down. "T-Thank y-you". She whispered in a quiet voice but Alex heard it loud and clear as he just gave her a smile.

"Don't mention it". Then he just led her to the dining table in a comfortable silence.