51. Results

Alex reminisced of that day and calmed down his mind to get to a clear cultivation state. Soon, he evened his breaths as he circulated Hamon and used it to refine the essence inside of him.

He found out that he didn't need a cultivation art if he used Hamon breathing to refine the essence of killed targets. So he just opted to never use another art anyway.

During these past few years, Alex had made great progress in his weapon arts and Hand to Hand combat with the help of Tsunade and Scathach.

First, he was having problem with even using any techniques to fight the two maniacs. But he slowly started to get used to it and his power magnified immensely.

He could use the Hamon to mainly keep himself healed while the fight was going at full blast. He never actually tried to summon a stand or even tried to make an ability out of his Hamon like Joseph or others.

But he was thinking of orienting his ability to gravity since stars produce gravity and he had a ready made one inside. So it should be fairly easy for him to get it.

His Haki was also coming along nicely. His observation Haki was vast enough to cover a hundred meter range around him but somehow ,his girls never got registered in his Haki if he didn't focus on them specifically.

Guess his brain automatically filtered them out without even thinking about it. This was also good as he knew that they like to play games on him. So he never tried to get rid of this defect as it wasn't really a problem.

One thing that makes him shudder even now is that once, he met a new transfer student in special class. It was a cute person.

So being the Harem coll, ahem….. affectionate persona that he is. He tried to talk to it thinking that it was a girl with pink hair and purple eyes.

"Hey, are you new here?" Alex asked cheerfully as he greeted.

"Hai". The girl replied cheerfully in return.

"I am Alex, the strongest in class. What about you?" Alex didn't miss a beat and started to make friends with her.

"Oh nice, I am Astolfo". It stretched out it's hand in a greeting.

Alex suddenly shuddered as he distanced himself from it. "Nice to meet you too. Oh look, the class is starting. See you after". Alex practically ran from that place after hearing that name.

He still shudders when he thinks of that conversation again. Still, he did make friends with the guy but Astolfo sometimes acts really clingy to him.

Alex was wondering that his charm should only work on the opposite sex and not traps, right. This was one of his nightmares these days.

'Okay, focus on your cultivation'. Alex reminded himself as he nearly forgot to continue breathing to operate Hamon.

He tried teaching some things to the girls like Haki as it is a very versatile ability but for some reason, Only Robin and Hancock were able to access Haki.

No matter how much they tried but Hinata and the others couldn't get it. He chalked it up to them being the natives of One Piece and that ability is only available to him and them.

But he tried to awaken chakra for Hinata then and he found out that there was some chakra in her and he will need to get a good grasp of Hamon to unlock it for her.

Saeko unlocked something akin to sword intent when she awakened her powers at Tier 1. Depending on how much sword intent she puts in her attacks, she can virtually cut anything in existence. A truly OP power indeed.

Hancock unlocked an ability, where she can conjure arrows with different attributes like explosion, petrification, charm etc.

Robin unlocked her power from One Piece. She can grow her body parts anywhere in her sight or range of her Haki. She can make her body parts stronger by imbuing her power into them and even change their size and numbers as she wishes.

Ye Lian unlocked a body strengthening ability that allows her to multiply her power and use it in any way she sees fit. She can enhance her hearing, smell, strength etc. She is still looking out for what more she can enhance but this is it for now.

Alice unlocked her favourite ability. She can use her mind to power up her body or weapons and she can even use it to stop attacks or directly attack other's minds. Her ability like the other girls was very perverted.

Evolvers have two ways to awaken their powers. They either receive a strong enough stimulus to kick start their ability or die.

They can also inherit their powers from their parents when they get to Tier 1 but for this, your parent needs to be an evolver or a Tier 9 fighter. The abilities can also mutate in the next generation.

During these four years, Mamako had grown to peak tier 5. While Grayfia was at Tier 5 mid. Raikou had advanced to Tier 6 mid but she wasn't anywhere close to crossing mid to high yet.

He also found out that his power except Observation Haki was restricted by his Tier. His Hamon wasn't at a level for him to surpass ranks but he could be considered invincible in his rank.

His armament Haki couldn't go black like the others in the anime yet and there wasn't a significant boost to his defence or offence as he wasn't powerful enough. Heck, sometimes his Haki wouldn't even activate.

It wasn't any better for Robin and Hancock as they couldn't use Armament Haki properly either but they could use Observation Haki in a 50 meter radius of them.

They were progressing nicely. His progress with Tsunade and Scathach in a relationship was also coming along well.

He would give a peck to her cheek and lips here and there while Scathach had started to confide in him and also talk to him a bit more warmly.

After unlocking his powers today, he was going to challenge Scathach with a bet and see if he could win in a contest of skill as he would unlock Escanor's Axe Mastery as well.

"Now stop fucking thinking of these things and Focus, Focus". 'Think of Ka-chans' boobs and clear your mind'. lex thought in his mind and calmed down his breathing and finally started to breakthrough for real.