52. Entity

After calming down for real and serious this time, Alex entered a calm and collected state. His breathing was even and rhythmic.

In about two to three hours, the Hamon beating inside him turned faster and more vigorous as his heart pounded faster and faster.

A sudden click was heard and Alex started to feel boundless energy inside him. He felt like he could move mountains with one hand.

His blood was pumping Hamon like crazy as it saturated in his cells to consolidate his breakthrough to a higher Tier of power.

'Okay, focus on consolidating and don't get drunk on the feeling'. Alex thought as he felt that his cells were hungrily devouring the energy from the food that he had eaten and the additional energy being poured out of the compact sun inside him.

He had finally unlocked his powers and he was getting a massive influx of experience inside his brain.

He stilled himself as he let the experience smoothly integrate with himself. After the integration, he looked at his previous performance and almost laughed at how much work he needed to get to Escanor's level.

Suddenly, his body started growing as he started to get more muscular and taller. A lion tattoo appeared on his back.

{We finally meet master, kyu~n} A voice came from behind as he suddenly found himself on a vast plain like the one in his dreams with Merlin.

"Sate Sate Sate, who are you beauty?" Alex said as he folded his arms in front of his chest and looked at the one who called to him.

"Are you that certain that I called you?" The fox eared woman raised her eyebrows as she asked with intrigue.

"I can be the only master here. No one can have that title in my presence". Alex said with a booming voice as he looked at her.

The woman smiled helplessly and shook her head but there was a smile on her face. "I am your vessel master. The blue star that resides inside you, kyu~n". The woman bowed her upper body a little as she finished introducing.

"So you are saying that my blue star is actually a fox youkai?" Alex asked as he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes master, kyu~n". The woman nodded as she said.

"Hohoho, that's certainly nice". Alex laughed heartily as he nodded.

"Aren't you angry that I can see everything you do?" The woman raised an eyebrow in puzzlement this time.

"I can never do anything wrong. For I am, Alexander The Great". Alex looked at her as he said in his booming and resounding voice. There was a majestic aura around him as he announced.

"Yes master, kyu~n". The woman bowed and expressed her understanding.

"What's your name?" Alex asked in a polite but forceful way, giving no room to deny.

"My name is Kurumi". The woman now known as Kurumi told respectfully.

"You don't need to bow to me everytime". Alex waved his hand as he wasn't planning to allow his woman to bow to him. Since she is attached to him then she can be considered his woman.

"Master, you do know that I can read your thoughts since we are attached, right". Kurumi asked with a smile as she looked at Alex with happiness.

"So, do you deny this fact?" Alex asked as he looked at her seriously.

"No master, I was created for your sake and I shall serve you with my very being". Kurumi said seriously as she looked straight into Alex's eyes.

Suddenly, Alex thought of something and just opted to ask her. "I am trying to create a stand for myself. Can you act as my stand? Then I can summon you out of this realm as well".

"Yes if you allow me to master". Kurumi nodded as she agreed to it.

"Very well, I will activate my stand and you take form as it's replacement". Alex nodded as he was pleased by her reply.

"You should know everything about me. You are not to tell anyone about it without my permission". Alex said as he remembered that since she was connected to him then She should know everything about him.

"Certainly". Kurumi agreed and with that Alex was out of his mindscape.

He opened his eyes and suddenly heard the door of the cultivation room open. He was hugged from behind as a pleasant voice travelled to his ears.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough, Darling". Zero-Two clung to his neck as she glued herself to him with a smile.

The others also barged into the room and clicked their tongues at being slower than Zero-Two but they didn't attempt to remove her from there as they had previously agreed that they wouldn't hinder each other if one of them got the opportunity rather than the other.

"Hey guys, let me get a shower first then I'll be taking special thank you from each of you". Alex quickly got up and headed to bathroom as he took a quick shower and got out of there in a hurry.

"Alex-chan, Mommy first". Mamako said as she hugged Alex in her boobs and bent down her face to give him a kiss.

Alex responded in kind as he held her soft buttocks and danced his tongue fiercely with her.

"Me next". Raikou quickly got in front when Mamako finished and hugged him as it wasn't that late so his size hadn't increased much and he was still a bit shorter than his mothers. It was the dawn, so he couldn't really complain.

He held her waist as they kissed with passion and vigour. "Now me, young master". Then Grayfia took over as Alex pinched her buttocks and Grayfia moaned in his mouth as she felt good.

He nibbled on her lower lip and made Grayfia feel more and more pleasure. She had developed into a full fledged Masochist.

"Dear~". Next, Hancock pounced on Alex as she wrapped her legs around his muscular waist. Alex supported her from below as they kissed with passion.

"Alex". Alice bounced towards him as she wrapped her arms around his and Alex wrapped one arm on her waist and one her ass.

Ye Lian slowly came to him as she had her head down and her face was red from embarrassment. Alex smiled as he lifted her face and pecked her lips. Ye Lian quickly ran away as she was shy and this was all she could accomplish.

"A….Alex K….Kun". Hinata came to Alex as she looked at him with a shy expression.

Alex took her waist as he gave a kiss on the lips and tried to open her mouth with his tongue but Hinata clamped her teeth shut and didn't allow his tongue to enter.

He bit lower lip for a while and finally let her go. Hinata had smoke coming out her head as she nearly fainted from shame and happiness. Alex patted her head as he headed towards Saeko.

"Ufufufu, come here". Saeko quickly took Alex's neck in her arms as she kissed him and tried to dominate the kiss by putting her tongue in his mouth first but Alex didn't take it lying down and successfully dominated the kiss. Saeko's face looked euphoric as they kissed each other.

Sarko then obediently backed off in her own and let Robin approach Alex. "Guess it's my turn now". Robin gave a soft smile as she seductively gave Alex a hug and looked at his eyes for a while before slowly kissing each other.

Alex enjoyed her little teases as they slowly kissed each other unlike the small pecks and wild kissing with the others.

"Darling". Zero-Two called at last as she pounced on him like a predator. She quickly tilted his head down and gave him a kiss that slowly got more and more heated.

After finishing their kissing session and Alex enjoying himself. They had their breakfast and played around for a while.