67. Excursion 4

Alex got out to street and started to look for the others. He went tot he opposite direction to where he went before and used his Haki at full to find them.

'Looks like they found trouble'. Alex thought as he used his power for a moment and leapt on top of a building and looked ahead at the party of five girls.

There was a boar like monster fighting the girls. 'That thing is at least tier 2'. Alex analysed as he looked over.

Astolfo was engaging it head on while Hinata and Ye Lian were taking shots from the side on its thick hide. Hancock had her bow cocked fully and ready to intercept at any moment.

Zero-Two had summoned her mech suit as she acted like a tank to keep its aggression away from the others.

"Duck!" Hancock instructed as she coated an arrow in lightning and fired it.

The arrow pierced it's eye but didn't go deep enough to kill it.

"Roar". The boar roared in pain and flared its nostrils at the girls.

'They can handle it. I will have to take care of the other one'. Alex thought as he looked over to the other boar that was ready to charge and join the party.

Alex hosted Rhitta on his shoulder and jumped down from the building. "Kurumi, would you like to handle this one?" Alex asked as he got in front of the boar silently.

The boar was startled as he saw Alex appear out of nowhere and took a step back but then anger flashed in its eyes as it started huffing at Alex.

Kurumi gracefully floated over to the boar and touched it with her finger. The boar looked but didn't find anything and got even more irritated.

Just as it was about to step forward, Kurumi snapped her fingers and the gravity on the Boar instantly increased by ten times that made it sluggish and unable to take a step forward.

The boar roared as it swung its head but couldn't move properly because of the added gravity. Alex quickly dashed forward and beheaded it in a single stroke and collected its fangs for proof.

He had also collected the Snake's head as proof of his harvest before he took Zoro back with him. These things were important for points.

'I have quite a bit of beast essence stored, guess those two fights proved quite fruitful huh'. Alex mused to himself as he banished and appeared back on top of the previous building to look at the girl's fight.

The boar was currently full cuts and wounds. It's fur destroyed and it was on the verge of death and would probably die from blood loss.

Only reason the girls were having so much problem is because of its thick hide and defence. It had a fairly good defence that even a Tier 2 awakener wouldn't underestimate.

Awakeners is a general term for Fighter and Evolvers grouped together in one word. People just usually group them together and call awakeners rather than calling fighters or evolvers individually.

Hancock suddenly fired a charm arrow at the boar that made it lose concentration and go into a daze. She didn't fire it before because of its defence.

Ye Lian took this chance and plunged her clawed hand right into the boar's head and turned its brain to shreds with her claws.

"Good job". Alex clapped his hands as he got their attention.

"Ah, Alex-kun". Hinata exclaimed as she looked over to Alex with a excitement. Alex jumped down from the building and let himself free fall for a bit. As soon as he touched the ground, Kurumi lightened him with gravity and reduced the effect of the fall.

Hinata quickly came running to him as she looked at him like a puppy asking for praise. Astolfo also followed suit as both of them looked at him with upturned eyes.

"Good job". Alex smiled as he patted their heads.

"Dear". Hancock also came as she took his arm with a happy smile and red cheeks.

Ye Lian and Zero-Two also came near him with a smile and he gave each of them a pat on the head and congratulated them.

"Alright, let's go back and see what have we gathered". Alex said as he led the way back.

All of them followed suit and quickly made their back to the base.

After settling down, Alice came down and Zoro went upstairs to keep a lookout with the binoculars that they had.

"We have seen that there are three big groups around here, here and here". Alex quickly drew a rough map of the surroundings on his holographic tab that he had.

"The rest are small groups ranging from 5 to 6 in out immediate surroundings. We can manoeuvre this calmly and should be able to earn enough points". Alex said as he looked at the rest of them.

"Call Zoro, he needs to know as well". Alex instructed as he thought about it.

"Okay Darling". Zero-Two replied and went up to call Zoro.

In two minutes, both of them were here and Alex started. "I will divide you guys into two teams. The one that we formed today and other one with the rest of the members. I will keep a lookout on you guy's training and for any ambush in your surroundings".

Alex summarised and looked at each of them in the eyes. All of them nodded and carefully studied the details afterwards together.

"Now, I will take Alice, Saeko and Robin to practice and get beats essence as well. You guys practice and refine what you gained while one person keeps a lookout". Alex instructed and beckoned to the three that he mentioned.

Saeko obediently followed behind while Robin was using her Haki too keep a lookout. Alice was also using her mental energy to make a domain to keep track of any activity.

All of them walked out as Alice followed them from rooftops and quickly looked for another single monster in the surroundings.

"That black panther should be a good target for you guys". Alex said as he jumped and vanished from the place.

He got a distance away to look at their match and also to avert any disturbances in the surroundings. He wasn't going to babysit them.