68. Excursion 5

Next day, Alex came down from the rooftop as it was his turn to keep a lookout last. He saw them sleeping in the bags after their little meditation session to assimilate the essence that they got yesterday.

"Wake up guys, we need to eat and get a move on". Alex clapped his hands as a thunderous echo resounded in the room.

"*yawn*, yeah let's go cut some monsters today". Zoro stretched as yawned and said.

"Good morning Darling/ Dear/ Alex/ Alex-kun". All the girls greeted him with a smile as they came up to him to get a peck on the lips.

Alex finished doing that as Ye Lian and Saeko went to get the food ready for everyone. They had made a shift pattern for these chores. So no one complained about the work.

After having their breakfast, Alex set off before them and just climbed up the buildings to keep a lookout for them. He also spotted the teacher that was supposed to be protecting them.

The girls came out with Zoro and divided themselves into two parties. Both parties followed each other at a distance.

They moved along the walls cautiously and came to the first small group of beasts. There were about 4 Dogs that didn't look like dogs anymore.

The dogs were bigger with sharper claws and teeth that radiated steam whenever they opened their mouths.

The girls gulped a bit nervously as they looked at the dogs but still ran to intercept them anyway. They were cleverly divided to two dogs in each party.

Zoro and Saeko were tanking the Dogs while Alice and Robin were using their daggers to fight the dogs.

On the other hand, Astolfo and Zero-Two were tanking the dogs while Ye Lian, Hinata and Hancock were dealing damage.

They were playing it like a standard RPG but the cooperation was seamless and quite good. Alex nodded his head at their effective cooperation.

——scene change——

In a damp sewer near the controlled military zone of the abandoned city.

"Have you set up everything?" A gross looking humanoid insect asked. It had a split mouth with centipede like arms on its torso.

"Yes, we have set up rattlesnake flower. The rat flood will work as soon as we let them go". Another similar looking insect replied back.

Rattlesnake flower can make the natural instincts of Rats flare up. Making them go into a frenzy and fled to the opposite direction of the flower.

"This time the general has come himself to deal with this human. We have to lure him out and make sure that it isn't noticed". The leader nodded its head and praised.

"Anything of her Majesty, the Queen". All the other insects saluted back as they snickered sinisterly.

'Now we only have to wait for that human organisation to do its job'. The insect leader thought as it looked over to the other direction.

——Scene change——

Alex was currently observing the girl's fighting, fully unaware of the undercurrents surging close by the region.

One of the Dogs had already been killed and the other one wasn't far behind. Zoro put the bandana on his head as Saeko tanked the dog.

Zoro got into a stance and prepared his Katanas. He held two swords in front of him parallel to each other and looked at the Dog.

"OniGiri". He shouted and cut the dog in the face as it practically took out both of it's eyes and he appeared a distance away from the dog.

Alice took the chance and charged her gun to fire a full power bullet. The bullet whizzed directly into the dog's head, allowing it no chance to react at all.

On the other hand, Astolfo was able impale the dog through its eye with the sword when it was greatly weakened in the fight.

"Good, you guys are working together really great". Alex clapped as he came down from the building.

"Now, you guys go back to the base. I will start to hint some beasts myself". Alex instructed them as he prepared to go for a hunt on his own.

"Okay". Zoro motioned with his hand and started to head back. The girls also left reluctantly after getting a kiss from Alex.

'Now to get some beast essence'. Alex started towards one of the major groups of beasts in the vicinity.

He appeared near them and saw that they were goat like creatures with snake like tails on their behind.

'Gotta be careful'. Alex quickly jumped from the building and directly beheaded an unsuspecting beast with Rhitta.

The goats bleated as they looked over to Alex with red eyes. The leader bleated the heaviest and all the goats charged at Alex.

"Come on". Alex laughed like a maniac as he plunged into the horde.

He swept Rhitta and cut on of the goat's legs while dodging the tail of the other. Quickly making his way back to the disabled goat, he cut off its head.

Then a massacre began as he used his Haki to dodge the attacks and attack at the most opportune of times to deal the most damage.

When the goats were down to two. The Leader roared angrily and charged at Alex with its horns to the front.

Alex laughed as he clashed his axe with its horns and cut them off effortlessly but he was pushed back by the force of the impact.

Alex rolled on the ground to minimise damage and stood back up like nothing happened. His Hamon was working in tandem to heal him in real time.

Alex again dashed at the Leader and bought down his Axe. The swing was heavy and majestic, the leader tried to move its head out of the way but Alex just shifted the trajectory and beheaded the leader cleanly.

The other leftover goats were frightened and made a run for it when the leader died by Alex's hands. Alex just looked at them and didn't stop them before collecting the evidence and returning back to the base.