69. Excursion 6

Today is last night before they will go back to the base city. Alex and the others were sleeping while Zoro was keeping a lookout on top of the building.

"Hmm, what is this rumbling?" Zoro woke up groggily as he heard a rumbling sound in the surroundings.

"Oh Fuck!" Zoro yelled as he quickly got inside to wake everyone up.

"Wake up you guys!" Zoro yelled as he quickly put everything in the space ring.

"What is it and why is the whole place shaking?" Alex woke up and asked. He was tired today as he didn't use his power and just fought a lot of beats with his base strength alone.

He was so tired that when he put his head down. He was out cold from the stress and fatigue accumulated all day.

"There's a horde of beasts running towards this direction. We got to make a run for it". Zoro shouted and everyone quickly woke up and left the building without looking back.

"Fucking hell". Alex cursed when he saw the amount of beasts rioting towards them.

"Kurumi make everyone lighter, we are making a run for it". Alex instructed and Kurumi quickly used the gravity to make everyone lighter and their speed increased exponentially.

"Oi! Over here!" Alex shouted when he saw the military guy coming towards their direction.

"You kids quickly escape. We will hold them down". The leader shouted as they started to fire their guns on the vehicles. Good thing these beasts aren't all that strong and can be controlled with guns or it'll be a whole another story.

"Sir, we have received intel. Th-these beasts are agitated because a rat tide is on its way". The soldier stuttered when he told the report to the leader.

"What! Get everyone out of this post this instant! We need to get going and inform the Base City". The leader shouted and gave orders to the soldiers.

"Kids! Get in the cars, we are returning fast!" The leader yelled to get Alex and his party's attention as they had to book it before the rat tide levelled everything here.

'It's been 5 years since the last one happened and it was able to level a whole base city'. The leader thought in his mind as he urged everyone to move faster.

They got back to the command post and quickly instructed everyone to leave. Communication was already established and Base City was already preparing for a siege.

The insects were able to set a perimeter in a way that the rat tide was guided in a set direction. The whole horde will impact the base City by tomorrow.

The soldiers, mercenaries and students quickly left the restricted zone and fled back to the base city but it might as well be a temporary relief.

The soldiers drove the vehicles like madmen and made it back to the city in half the time than before. The gates quickly opened and the vehicles barged in before the gates closed immediately.

"Alright, you guys bring your families over to my villa and we'll think of something. Also Robin, make sure to fetch Shizuka-nee, she loves close to you". Alex instructed quickly as he made his way back home.

After getting home, he found out that only Grayfia was there and his other two mothers weren't even at home.

"Grayfia-ka chan, call Raikou-ka chan and ask her to get back. They shouldn't have gone far yet. Also ask her to bring everyone with her". Alex quickly said anxiously.

"What's the matter Alex-kun". Grayfia asked as she felt a bit worried when she hard him.

"A rat tide is approaching and it doesn't look normal. Call them back immediately". Alex couldn't help raising his voice a few decibels as he continued.

'This rat tide is too abnormal. There was no sign and it occurred with no rhyme or reason. Something is fishy, I need everyone here to be safe'. Alex thought as he anxiously went to sit on the couch while twiddling his thumbs in nervousness.

In 5 minutes, the mansion's bell started ringing and everyone came one by one. The hall was crowded with everyone but Alex was still not settled as Raikou and Grayfia weren't back yet.

It took an hour more but Raikou had come back with Tsunade, Scathach, Mamako and Merlin in tow. Now everyone was here.

"As you guys already know, we have a rat tide on our hands. It will be here tomorrow sharp and I plan to eliminate the threat in the bud". Alex spoke solemnly as he stood up and walked to the center of the room.

"And how are you going to dot hat brat?" George asked as he scrutinised Alex.

"Alex-kun should be able to do it easily". Robin's mother, Nico Olvia said as she smiled.

Ye Lian's mother was also looking over with a smile. Alex had to admit that she was a very pretty lady with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was a bombshell with curves as the right size and places.

Hancock's mother wasn't talking with anyone and was just sitting there with her leg over the other as she looked at the like pathetic vermin. Everyone else was just normally sitting there.

"You guys should know the guy that helped the city in the crisis before". Alex said as his body started to get bigger and bigger and his Lion tattoo became visible on his back and Rhitta appeared in his hands.

"And that Strong man is Me". Alex's voice boomed as everyone saw a muscular tank like human standing in The center of the hall.

Alex body was towering over everyone as he stood at eight feet tall with a body that was built like the Hulk himself.

Everyone gawked at the power radiating from his body. Alex was controlling his power or they will spasms from his sheer aura.

"B-but how?" Hancock's mother said in disbelief as her mouth opened and closed like a goldfish.

"Why can't it be me? There is no one above me in this world". Alex said as he looked down at her while hosting the axe on his shoulder.

"So cool". All the girls shouted as they bolted over to Alex and started to touch his muscles everywhere.

"Get a good feel, no one has muscles as good as me". Alex laughed pridefully as he boasted his own physique.

"I can take care of the rat tide with a snap but there might be hidden enemies. Bot like they can do anything to me but it's good to be on the safe side". Alex said as he looked at everyone in the room.

"But why do you have to do it alone. Your mothers are very strong themselves". Mamako said as she touched her bicep with her other hand.

"Hahaha, no need. Just keep everyone safe here". Alex laughed as he said to her. He stroked her head with his big hand as he found her quite cute.

Mamako just smiled but the determination in her eyes wasn't going down a single bit. She was hell bent on following him into battle.