70. Good time

"Alright, you can follow me but you girls will stay here without complaint". Alex said as he left no room for refusal.

His dominance shut them up good and they didn't dare to argue with him on this point. They knew that as they are now, they will only get in the way.

This fired up their conviction to grow stronger and stronger. So that they can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

He looked at them carefully and then slowly reverted back to normal. "Hey guys, my power is good right". Alex asked with a smile as he asked them.

All of them nodded a bit astounded at his change in attitude. Just before, he was domineering and arrogant as he looked at them and now he was like a sweet and cheerful teenager.

"Alex, what was that just now? You completely changed". Alice quickly recovered and as she bounced over to Alex and asked.

"That's my ability. It makes me super strong". Alex explained as he patted her head.

"How strong?" Alice asked quickly with intrigue when she heard Alex's words.

"Hmmm, I am not fully sure as I have never used my full power but it should be at least Tier 9". Alex rubbed his chin as he pondered.

"Uwaaah, so strong". Alice cheered happily when she heard his words.

Everyone in the room were a bit astonished except Merlin ant the stoic face Scathach. This amount of power was no joke.

'He's close to the strongest human'. All of them had the same thought in their heads when they looked at Alex.

"Alright, you guys can do whatever you want. Just make sure to not leave the house". Alex waved as he pardoned everyone. It was just a polite of saying to get out but obviously, this didn't include his girls.

"Dear, let's go to your room". Hancock quickly took Alex's arm as she started to act coquettishly with him.

"Alright, Alright, let's go". Alex said as he stood up from his chair.

All the girls followed him up to his room as they left the hall to the adults. Mamako, Raikou and Grayfia were just entertaining the guests as they couldn't really leave like this.

"Alright what do you guys wanna do now?" Alex took the Girls inside and asked.

"Uhm, let's play cards or atlas". Robin suggested as she was fond of both.

"Good suggestion, it'll help in distracting of thinking about tomorrow". Alex praised her and all of them quickly sat down in a circle on the carpet.

"Let's play Atlas then". Alex started the game and everyone followed.

They went on for a couple of rounds and unsurprisingly, Robin won the game with her knowing the name of so many cities.

"Again!" Alice exclaimed as they started another round. She was unconvinced of her loss and wanted one more round.

They went on for a couple more rounds at her insistence but Robin won in every single one of the matches.

"It's not fair!" Alice yelled as she threw a little tantrum of her own.

"Then let's play Cards". Ye Lian appeased her quickly as she took out a deck from her space ring.

"Alright then let's play Old Maid". Alex said as he started distributing the cards to everyone.

'Zoro just slept downstairs huh. Guess he has no interest in this'. Alex thought as he finished distributing the cards.

After a couple of round of card games, Alex got a bit bored as there was no excitement on this and he was searching for something else.

"Hey, let's play strip poker". Alex said as he looked at the girls' bodies with a lewd smile.

"Hentai". Zero-Two said but there was a smile on her face and she wasn't really serious.

"So, wanna play". Alex asked as he roamed his gaze around to everyone.

"Alright then I'll be the dealer, hehe". Alex laughed lasciviously as he started distributing cards to the others.

The game started and everyone was playing happily, after a couple of rounds. One person was completely naked between them.

"Awawawa, why am I only one losing". Astolfo waved her hands around quickly as she was flustered and looked at Alex with knitted brows.

"I don't know but now I can confirm that you are really a girl". Alex shrugged his shoulders but checked out Astolfo's body. Her chest was flatter than an airport but she had a nice ass.

"Hmph, pervert". Astolfo covered her privates with her hands shyly.

Astolfo was the only girl here with no chest but the others had budding chests that bumped up a little at the very least.

The next one to go naked was the unlucky Alice. She just brazenly sat there after without minding anyone's stares. She didn't try to cover as there was only Alex and the girls in the room.

Slowly everyone started stripping. The order of the stripping went like this Hancock, Ye Lian, Saeko, Robin, Hinata and Zero-Two, who only had her panty left at the end.

"Now this is a sight for the sore eyes". Alex said as he scanned their bodies with his eyes.

Ye Lian was hiding behind Hinata while peeking out her head and Hinata directly fainted from embarrassment.

The rest of the girls had smiles on their faces as they teased Alex by striking different poses except Robin. Who was just looking at this with an amused smile.

"Dear, want to massage". Hancock bent down seductively in front of Alex as she enticed him.

"You girls are testing my patience". Alex said as he jumped on them and took Hancock into his arms.

He grabbed a hold of that fine ass as he kneaded it and started kissing her voraciously. Hancock also responded in kind as they battled their tongues.

Alex didn't stop here though as he started to act on all of them as he would sometimes take two of them together or only one and would kiss them until they were out of breath.

He went at it for a while and finally calmed down after relieving all the stress from the past week of hunting.

"Tasty". He said as he looked at all the girls sprawled on the ground. He used Hamon on his fingers and Tongue to make them feel the ultimate ecstasy.