71. Slaughter

The rest of the day went on silently. Throughout the night, the girls and the parents were nervous about the oncoming rat wave.

'This Base City is too unlucky'. George thought about moving out as soon as this incident was taken care of.

Everyone else wasn't any better and were thinking the same thing. They couldn't handle all the excitement this city has going for it.

The night quickly went in the restless anxiety of everyone in the mansion. Alex was the only one most relaxed about this.

'Big deal is to use The One'. Alex thought as he slept soundly with his mothers covering him all over.

Day came and Alex quickly got read to intercept the rat wave coming towards the Base City. He made the armour appear on him and started his power.

"Mother, you will take your party and arrive there while I go on ahead". Alex said domineeringly as he jumped to travel straight to the base city wall.

He landed there with a boom and looked at the tense soldiers ready to intercept the rat wave. Their bodies were oozing sweat and they were looking on nervously.

"Hahaha, No need to worry. I am here to eradicate those pests". Alex's laugh boomed in the surroundings as the Soldiers relaxed when they heard his sound.

"Sir!" All the soldiers saluted and shouted with excitement and awe when they heard Alex's voice.

They had hope and desire when they saw Alex coming into their view. Hope for survival and desire to attain the same amount of strength.

"How long till they come here?" Alex looked at a soldier as he inquired.

"Sir, we have news that the wave will be here in less than one hour". The soldier saluted as he said loudly.

"Good, this should be easy then". Alex nodded his head and looked towards the front.

——scene change——

A group was hiding a distance away from the Base City as they gained control of the surveillance and checked everything inside.

"The human have done their job well. With this we'll know everything going on in there". One of the insects said as he looked at everything going on in the base city.

"Heh, these Humans are so fickle and greedy. They can betray their own race for benefits". One fo the insects sneered as he talked about them.

The rest of the insects in the room agreed readily. Even the general sitting behind them didn't say anything as he just observed the surveillance.

"There is movement". One of the insects said and everyone quickly followed his line of sight.

"That is the Human, we were informed about!" One of them quickly affirmed the guess and shouted.

"Very well, he got away five years ago from that weakling but not this time". The general nodded as he focused his over to the screen and observed the said Human.

'Wait for you to consume your power first and then'. The General sneered as frost covered his body quickly and disappeared just as soon.

——Scene Change——

Alex looked at incoming Rat Tide and jumped down from the wall. He used Conqueror's Haki in a wide range and instantly halted the charge.

In this form, his Haki gets amplified several times from his base. His Hamon also gets multiplied a lot. He was using to round them up.

"Kurumi, halt them for me". Alex instructed as he started using more power form Kurumi to grow bigger.

"Very well, master". Kurumi used her Gravity in a single direction in a fan shape and practically immobilised all the rats.

Alex then grew into a behemoth and looked at the Rats and the Rat King in the middle of the tide with contempt like looking at a puny insect.

"Divine Sword Alexander". Alex joined his fingers and made a slashing motion with his hand.

(A/N: Original move was Divine sword Escanor.)

This sent a massive wave of fire that burned everything in its path. Not even ashes were left after the fire swept over the rats.

There were only some stray rats left that were on the sides of the tide. Alex wiped out the whole rat tide with one attack. There wasn't even any suspense.

"Finally willing to come out of your hole, insect". Alex scoffed and said to the insect mockingly.

"Hmph, I'll see how you can have that expression after I am done with you". The general sneered as he started to surround himself with frost.

"My frost is the coldest in this world. Even your strongest human doesn't dare to underestimate me". The insect general sneered as looked over to Alex.

"Hohoho, insects have started to get quite noisy these days". Alex waved his hand in front of his face like getting rid of an annoying fly around you.

"Let me show you absolute power". Alex said as he pointed his upwards.

A massive ball of heat started to grow on his finger as it glowed blue. The surrounding environment was getting hot but Alex controlled the heat to make sure that it doesn't affect the surroundings too much.

He has much better control over his power than before. Before it was just a temporary release and he had to finish everything quickly but now that was not the case.

"Hmph, I'll cover your sun with my frost and freeze it". The general said as he used his full power and covered Alex's body and the sun on his finger with a large amount frost and ice.

"Hahahaha, bow you won't be able to grow a sun". The laughed voraciously as he looked at Alex with derision.

"Hmph, you cover my sun. And who decided that?" Alex looked at the General as the sun on his finger pulsed and grew out of the frost.

It rapidly grew bigger and bigger as it grew to be as big as the city wall. The gravitational pull of the sun was making the ground around him rumble. Kurumi quickly used her power to control the gravity or Alex would've literally pulled the city wall out.