72. Fight and message

Alex calmly looked over to the general like looking at a very inferior being. "Cruel Sun". A voice boomed as the general found the blue sun travelling at him with frightening speed.

He was suddenly engulfed by the sun and got launched off like a rocket. The speed broke through several several sound barriers and set off waves of shockwaves in the surroundings.

Kurumi used the force of Gravity to keep those shockwaves away from the city and redirected them to the other side.

Alex enhanced his voice with Hamon and transmitted it to the other insects hiding in the surroundings.

"Go tell your master. I, Alexander The Great will come for his head". Alex's voice boomed in their ears as they scurried off from there and didn't dare to look back.

Alex looked over to the soldiers on the wall and just returned back to the villa before they could even see anything.

Raikou had also come with her party and they just looked at Alex dealing with everything effortlessly. Raikou, Mamako, Grayfia and Merlin were smiling from ear to ear as they looked at Alex.

Tsunade was also smiling but she wasn't acting like Raikou and the others. Whereas, Scathach only hooked up the corners of her mouth a little bit.

Alex blew them a kiss with a wave and a wink. Then made an intense light flash that literally covered the whole city and vanished from his place. He didn't want to meet the City Master yet as wasn't in the mood.

"Ah". The soldiers cried anxiously when they saw him. Since they wanted to take him to City Master.

"Hmmm". But right when he was about vanish, an insect popped out of nowhere and touched his back as both of them vanished for good.

His Haki couldn't detect the insect because it was in another dimension and took the opportunity in Alex's momentary lapse concentration to touch him. Haki cannot detect people in another dimensions and he hasn't grown it enough to predict the future.

Alex swung his Axe and killed the insect in the middle of the teleportation but it too late to do anything about it.

Because the insect was killed, the destination of the teleportation got disrupted and Alex got ejected out of the space channel.

Alex dropped out of the space channel and got thrown to the ground like a rocket from a launcher and impacted the ground.

'Hmm, as expected of me. I left such a big crater from. Alex thought as he looked at the crater in the ground after getting out of there.

'Now, where am I?' He looked around the place but couldn't find anything other than a massive forest.

The trees were taller than the city wall that Alex was used to seeing. The greenery was out of this world. It made a very good picture of vegetation and scenery.

'If I had my camera, I could record this'. Alex thought as he looked around everywhere curiously.

After getting his share of the view and dealing with a fiery boar, he sat down to roast some of it. 'Man, I am so hungry. This form needs a lot of food to sustain it'.

Alex quickly used his power and roasted the boar after skinning it with a knife that he had in the inventory.

'Hmm, your own creation always tastes better'. Alex nodded his head and kept eating without minding his manners.

After finishing, he just burnt off the grease from his face with his power and was as good as new. Then he looked about the forest again.

'Now to see if I can know where I am'. Alex thought as he started walking towards a set direction.

——Scene Change——

"So it didn't work". A beautiful girl was sitting on a throne while looking at the people kneeling below her.

"Yes, your majesty. The general was defeated without a chance to fight back. We are afraid that he might be as strong as you". The words left the insect's mouth and his body turned into a puddle of goo.

'Fool, doesn't know, how to keep his tongue'. Everyone thought as they looked at his tragic fate.

"Is that so". The girl took back her hand as she said.

The others shuddered at her cold and unfeeling eyes. They had heart palpitations and quickly took short breaths to suppress their fear.

Just then a space vortex opened and a decapitated corpse fell out of the vortex alone. The corpse was cut clean with a diagonal cut.

The queen looked at the corpse and her aura started to rise wave by wave. "Even this didn't work". She said as she clenched her fist to calm down.

"My liege, the guy said that he will come for your head". An insect said tremblingly.

"Is that so". The girl said in a calm and frosty voice.

"Convey my order, ask every insect to converge back. We have to sort this out". She yelled loudly and said the last part softly to herself.

The insects quickly ran out like they were pardoned and started to convey the girl's message through their unique telepathic link.

Every insect quickly got the message and started converging back to their base. But there are always some that don't listen.

"Heh, she wants me to come back. I am on the verge of breakthrough. I will make her my toy after I breakthrough". It was an ugly insect that had centipedes roaming around on its face.

He was one of the generals that was stationed in another continent and he was lucky enough to find some treasures to break through Tier 9.

'Just you wait'. The general clenched his fists as he thought to himself with conviction.

He was hiding in a burrow and slowly using the treasure to strengthen his power. He had no plan to go back right now as he was on a crucial step.

The queen was still unaware of this as she didn't bother with the weaklings under her as they couldn't breakthrough tier 9, due to their gene lock.

But this world is mysterious after the changes. All kinds of Heaven and Earth treasures exist. So a treasure to unlock the Gene Lock is no big deal.