78. Trouble

After having their breakfast. Alex asked them to show him around the city as it was quite a bit bigger than the base city he lived in.

"So, how big is this city. From what I can tell, it is at least bigger than the one I am used to". Alex as he looked around curiously. He even expanded his Haki but still couldn't cover the whole city.

"This Base City is big enough to host people comfortably without needing to build underground shelters". Felicia explained with a smile as she led Alex all over the place.

"We don't make much but we can still buy a house, all because there is plenty of space". Selina said as she was glued to Alex's arm.

"Yeah, I saw. Don't worry with me. I will let you enjoy life". Alex said as he held their waists.

"Do you guys know the Guard Mansion?" Alex asked to confirm this, just in case. He did have some doubts about this.

"Oh, you mean that small human force". Felicia thought for a while then she replied like she just remembered.

"Small?" Alex asked as he was a bit puzzled. From what he heard and read. Guard Mansion is like the biggest organisation out there.

"Yeah, here in Europe and Asia that you humans call it. We have different factions fighting for power". Selina nodded as she explained with a smile.

"Oh, do entertain me". Alex asked with a raised eyebrow. 'Intriguing, so the guard mansion is bullshitting'. Alex thought as he felt that his guess had substance to it.

"Well, you Human are certainly one but not too strong to really care about except that Strongest of yours.

Then there are the Dragon Tribe. They are the strongest tribe along with Vampire, Demons and Angels.

There are also Animalkin and Beast tribe. We are separate from each other. Beast or Monsters as you would like to call them, are quite a nuisance here.

But the biggest enemy of all is the Insects and the Undead. They have tried to raid this base city quite a lot of times but failed. All because of out City Master.

The City Master is quite strong and this City has terrain that acts like a natural fortress. These trees are not easy to take down and it hinders the path of any big army". Felicia explained patiently as she walked leisurely with Alex and Selina.

'So the Guard Mansion has just been chatting shit all these years. They probably only have influence in North American Continent.

Even that sounds a bit unreal now. When there are species like Dragons, Vampires, Demons and Angels. It is hard for Humans to make a stand altogether.

And since inter-continental travel is basically next to impossible. It makes information manipulation even more easier'. Alex mused to himself as he felt that this might be the true case.

'Their influence in other continents seems to be minimal except the strongest human. Who everyone still gives some consideration.

And now they will have to give consideration to me as well. I am stronger than that guy'. Alex thought in his head narcissistically without changing his face.

"Hmm". Alex looked towards the direction of the gate of this Base City.

"What happened?" Selina asked when she saw him looking towards the gate.

"Looks like trouble is here". Alex said but didn't do anything. 'Let's see how the City Master handles this one.

But one thing to wonder is. Am I a trouble magnet? I just came here for a day and there seems to be another raid on the city'. Alex thought and laughed wryly in his mind.

The two girls were a bit anxious. Even if it was safe, they were still facing a raid from other forces and it could go any way.

"Don't worry, as long as I am here, nothing can happen to you". Alex touched their heads and consoled their worries.

Both girls purred from the comfort and Alex led them back home as he restocked their fridge with the ingredients he had in his inventory.

After having a hearty lunch, in which the girls barely ate anything. They sat down on the couch with the girls in his lap.

——scene change——

Outside the Base City, a massive amount of undead were converging on this Base City along with some sickly white looking people.

The man in the lead had blood red hir and eyes with sickly white skin. He had an armour donned on his body that covered the vital parts pf his body.

Beside the man, there was a big black knight. The knight was encased in a full body armour with black fumes surrounding him and a black horse below him. He was looking imposing and majestic.

"Heh, these fools let Humans enter their Base City. We warned them but now they have to suffer the consequences". The red haired guy said.

"We don't care about your petty revenge. Master instructed me to raid this city and that's what we are going to do". The death knight said in a gruff and cold tone.

"Like I could care less". The red haired guy sneered and immediately motioned the others to start the plan.

——scene change——

The City Master was sitting on his chair while looking at the others in front of him. He was an imposing man with a chiseled body. He was a Tigerkin with plenty of power to back up his rule on this impressive city.

"Your Highness, should we start the operation?" One of the generals questioned as he looked towards the City Master.

"Yeah, start the turrets". The City Master nodded as he got up and headed towards the central control Unit.

The room was big with monitor screens that showed all the outside area of the Base City. You could see all the activity without problem.

There was a raised platform with a single handle in the middle of the platform. The handle was connected to multiple other tubes in the underground and they were further connected to all the turrets on the City Wall. Allowing free access to control and manipulation.