79. Trouble 2

The City Master made his way up the platform and as he tightly grasped the handle and waited for the turrets to go up when he pressed the button.

One natural advantage of this Base City was that Aerial assault was impossible here because of the towering trees.

*buzz* *buzz*

The turrets quickly came to life as they were activated quickly. They were a magnificent silver colour with a bright lustre to them.

"Sir, the turrets are ready". A general quickly came into the Control Center and said.

"Good". The City Master said in his gruff and tough voice as he started to input his power into the control stick.

His power allowed him to increase the power of weapons unlike Leon, who could only power up guns. This guy was able to power up any weapon.

The turrets glowed white as they started to rumble for shooting. The undead horde steadily advanced as it encircled the Base City on all sides.

The Death lifted its massive sword and gave the order. "Charge!"

The undead horde immediately ran towards the base frantically without any other goal in sight. They were approaching the base fast like lightning.

The horde was a mixture of different Tier undeads. It ranged from Tier 1 to Tier 7. The Death Knight himself was Tier 8 and one of the important combat force of the Undead race.

The City Master quickly fired the turrets as he kept track of every situation on the battlefield through the monitoring equipment.

*Boom* *Boom*

Explosions rang as body parts and tree bark flew everywhere without stop. The undeads were slowly dwindling but their numbers was just too much.

'I can only last for six hours'. The City Master thought as he looked at the horde of Undead that was stalled out of the city.

The fighting was intense and lasted the whole day. Some of the guards had to go in battle to settle the situation.

The numbers dwindled continuously and when the evening approached, the City master looked haggard.

The surrounding terrain was changed with the trees splintered and dismembered body parts everywhere.

The Death Knight was looking at all this with impassive like it was nothing wrong. From his perspective, the order of his master was absolute.

"Haaa, Haaaa, just a bit more". The city said while breathing heavily as he concentrated on shooting the undead.

"Hehe, you are dead". Just then a Vampire sneaked into the control center and plunged his poisonous nails into the City Master's back.

The area grew purplish as the poison started to take effect. "You!" The City Master growled as he caught the Vampire by the neck and wrung his neck like a chicken.

"Hehe, you can't kill me". The Vampire laughed sinisterly as his neck repaired itself.

The Vampires weren't typical Vampires in fiction. They could walk under the sun just fine and Silver didn't do anything to them.

Their powers worked on sentient blood. They had to take the blood of species with intelligence to keep themselves going.

Once their blood was exhausted. They then can't resurrect or repair their bodies and that will be the end of them.

Their fertility was pitiful and they weren't many in numbers but their combat prowess because if their blood powers was astounding.

"How long will you be able to stand this?" The Vampire sneered in the City Master's hands as he looked at him Playfully.

"Enough to kill you". The City Master growled as he killed him again.

The Vampire changed his face this time. He knew that if he didn't stop him then he will die. It tried to attack but the City Master just swatted him down to the ground with full force.

The Vampire was disoriented and the City Master didn't give him any chance as he kept attacking him without stop.

Eventually, the Vampire after getting killed like good ten to twenty times. The City Master looked at his growing poison and at the incoming horde.

'Guess this is it'. He thought and prepared himself for sacrifice.

"Need any help?" Just then a heavy voice boomed in his ears as he looked back to a man more muscular than him.

"Who are you?" The City Master asked vigilantly.

"I am Alexander The Great. Here to mercifully eradicate these undead". Alex said as he let his pressure descend upon the City Master.

"If you do help me eradicate them. I will fulfil any request you have". The City Master bowed but he kept his full attention on the situation outside the city.

"I'll hold you to it". Alex nodded as he disappeared from the room.

"Kurumi, Increase my weight with Gracity to maximum". Alex instructed as he was falling from high up while looking at the undead below.

"There you go Master". Kurumi's sweet voice came as Alex's descent accelerated and he literally created sonic booms behind him.

"What the fuck is that?" The Vampire with the Death Knight as he heard the noise and looked up.

"Alexander SMASH!" Alex jumped down from high up as he said Hulk's favourite line.

'Hmm, hmm, I can still replicate that Green ogre'. Alex nodded his head quite pleased when he saw the devastation caused by his fall.

The shockwave of his fall had literally created a massive crater and blew anyone in a range of kilometres away from him. 'Good thing I was away from the City Wall'.

Everyone was looking at the devastation and the slowly emerging Alex from all the dust in the air. His titanic muscular body was at full display as he covered his legs with the armour and turned the upper part invisible.

"Who are you Bloody Human?" The Vampire sneered as he looked at Alex condescendingly.

That amount of destruction was nothing for beings as strong as them. It was just a good amount of damage and nothing else.

Alex quirked an eyebrow at the Vampire's insolent tone. "Kneel". He said as a heavy pressure descended on both the Vampire and the Death Knight.

The Vampire's knees gave in as he knelt directly to the ground. The Death Knight withstood for a while but his Horse toppled over and he was also on his knees.

Both of them were trying their best to stand up while Alex was looking down at them. "Now speak." He said with a sneer like looking at an ant.