85. Angel Clan

Alex quickly got up as he left the estate to isit the City Lord. He quickly passed through the doors without getting stopped and came to City Lord's study.

People knew him here in his Sunshine form and it made everything convenient to come and go at a moment's notice.

Alex barged into the room as disregarded the etiquette and sat down in a chair facing the City Lord.

"Where is the Angel Clan?" He asked straight to the point.

The City Lord was bewildered with the sudden visit and Alex's actions that he failed to respond for a while.

"Ah ah, The Angel Clan is in this part of Asia". The City Lord quickly bought a detailed Map as he showed him according to the old topography of the world.

Alex quickly left the mansion and came back to his estate. He wasn't even gone for five minutes and he had already gotten the info.

The City Lord was left scratching his head but he didn't dare to say anything and got back to his own work.

"I got the coordinates". Alex said happily as he powered down inside the mansion.

"Really!" Selena asked in astonishment as he wasn't even gone for that long.

"Onee-chan, these are the coordinates. Let's go". Alex said as he jumped on Chiyo and hugged her tightly.

He has gotten too comfortable with his child privileges that he doesn't even act like an adult when he is powered down.

Eleven years of acting gets you too into the role that you start to act the part normally as well and that was what happened to him.

"Let's go if Alex-kun wants to". Chiyo said as she snapped her fingers and all of them vanished as soon as Alex told her the coordinates.

Alex powered up as all of them quickly arrived near a vast City with white walls and endless plains on the sides.

It looked magnificent and regal. It had moats, sentry towers and was a well thought out city without a single blemish.

Alex and the party quickly started walking as Yue hanged on his neck from behind and Chiyo took his arm like it was natural.

They quickly arrived at the gates and saw guards with white wings and silver armour on their bodies, making them look like true Angelic soldiers.

Alex and the party were quickly approached by the guards. "Halt, you need to pay thousand credits for entry per person". The guard stood in front of Alex as he demanded.

Alex quickly quickly operated his watch as he transferred the total amount to the designated account.

"This will allow you a week of entry. If you don't topup, you will fined and even imprisoned". The guard explained and moved out of the way.

From the start to now, Alex didn't spare the guard a single glance and just led way inside the Base City with the girls.

They quickly came to the bustling streets as they saw people happily talking and going around their way everywhere.

'A true peaceful City huh'. Alex thought as he nodded his head while looking at the bustling city and the busy streets.

"No wonder they charge money to just step into the city". Felicia said as she looked around the surroundings.

All of them roamed around the city for a while and saw a massive building with a dome like structure. There was a team of guards stationed outside the building in rows.

Alex calmly walked over with the girls and was once again halted. 'This is getting annoying'. He thought.

"Do you have an entry pass sir". A beautiful clerk asked as she smiled at Alex.

"No". Alex shook his head.

"Then please follow for registration". The girl said as she assessed their clothes and saw that they were luxuriously dressed.

She didn't dare to dally and quickly bought them to the service desk. The inside of the building was quite spacious with rows of glass containers everywhere.

There were all sorts of things on display that created a very pleasant and scenic environment inside the building.

The girls were curiously looking around everywhere. Their world views had changed in just a couple of days and they came to enjoy the rich life with Alex.

"Sir please register here". The clerk instructed and turned around to leave promptly.

"Hello Sir, welcome to Angel's Auction house. We have different types of membership. All the membership correspond to the area you can sit in and how many people you can bring with you.

Bronze gives you ordinary seat with no accompaniment.

Silver allows you to bring a companion with no upgrade in seats.

Gold allows you to get two companion with you and also gives you VIP seat but only for yourself.

Lastly, the Diamond membership allows you to get a separate VIP room with as many companions as you can fit in the room". The clerk finished her explanation and looked at Alex with a smile.

"Diamond". Alex said as he looked at Clerk plainly.

The clerk had even shifted a bit of her dress to reveal more cleavage but she felt a chill up her spine when the girls saw her behaviour.

"Certainly sir, please transfer the money to this account". The girl said as he gave him the reader for transfer.

Alex transferred the money and finished with the procedures.

"The auction will start at Six in the evening. So you can around until then". The girl explained and waited for Alex to leave as she didn't dare to sit down until then.

Alex nodded his head as he led them out of the auction house. "Let's me go hunting and gather some more funds". Alex said as he disappeared from his place.

"Master, you forgot me". Kurumi said as she felt a bit aggrieved.

"How can I? You are such a cute Fox". Alex pampered her as he quickly stroked her tails and ears to pacify her.

"Hehehe, I want some clothes as well". She said as she looked at him expectantly.

"Alright, just reveal yourself and then we can go for a bit of shopping". Alex said as he sped off towards the wilderness to hunt some strong monsters.