86. Auction

After finishing with his hunt, he stored all the carcasses in the inventory and sped back to the city.

He found a seller by inquiring around a bit and sold all the carcasses for a hefty sum of money. It created quite the commotion but he didn't care. He had enough to buy whatever came out later.

'Earning through this method is faster than printing money'. Alex thought as he nodded his head in recognition.

He used his Haki and perceived the girls as he rushed to their side. He arrived and saw them getting harassed by some thugs.

Although they weren't giving the thugs any chance to even talk to them. Alex stepped forward as he stood behind the thugs with his arms crossed.

"Hey Babes, let's go have some good time?" The leader said as he looked at their figures with lecherous eyes.

Felicia didn't even look at the guy as she was talking with her sister and the others. She was completely treating him like air.

The other thugs were about to chime in when they saw a shadow come over them. They looked behind and almost pissed their pants from fear.

"Wh-who are you?" The thug said as he staggered back.

The girls were also looking in Alex's direction with sympathetic eyes. The sympathy was for the thugs. They knew that he was possessive and these thugs won't have a good end.

Alex motioned as the thugs lost the effect of Gravity and started floating in front of Alex. Kurumi was doing it without even being told.

She was standing beside Alex, fully visible to everyone with her fluffy tails and ears at full display.

Alex pointed his finger up and the Thugs were sent flying above the clouds. Then Alex just patted Kurumi's head and walked over to the girls.

"I'm back". Alex smiled as he waved at them.

As soon as he appeared, Yue quickly became active and climbed up Alex's back again and latched onto his neck.

"Alex-kun, welcome back". Chiyo smiled as she took Alex's arm naturally.

"Alex, we saw some really nice clothes. Let's go buy them". Selena said with excitement as she started pulling Alex's hand.

"But I already gave you money. Why didn't you buy them before?" Alex quirked his eyebrow at her at asked with puzzlement.

"We wanted you to choose it". Felicia acted a bit coquettish as she said.

Alex just shook his head and followed behind obediently. 'Women and their love for shopping'.

They quickly arrived at a High end clothing store with rows of different clothes for both men and women.

Alex looked around and was quite intrigued as their fashion style was different from others as the clothes had single colours with silver or gold in everything.

'I should buy some for Ka-chan and the girls as well'. Alex thought as he started looking through everything with the girls.

After shopping for a few in which Alex was mentally tired. They got out of the shop and went around looking for a good restaurant.

After having some good lunch, they just aimlessly went around the place until it was time for the much awaited auction.

"Let's go. It's time for the Auction to start". Alex said as he started walking towards the auction house and everyone followed quickly except Yue as she being carried.

"Um Alex?" Felicia looked at Alex was she asked in a questioning as she was unsure of whether to say what she wanted to.

"Hmm". Alex hummed in response as he asked.

"These kinds of Auctions also have slaves auctioned in there. So please beware". Felicia said as she wasn't sure of whether Alex would like this.

'As expected huh'. Alex thought as Slaves were inevitable when law and order was basically gone with the wind except people made their own laws.

Alex nodded his head to Felicia and didn't comment on the issue with her. They just made their way over to the auction hall.

"Sir, please show your entry pass". The clerk at the door said when she saw Alex and the others.

Alex took out the Diamond pass and the clerk quickly bowed deeply and immediately led them inside without wasting a word.

"Please follow me". They were then transferred over to another clerk at the stairs and led towards a separate area.

They quickly passed y multiple different rooms and were led to a room quite far from the entrance. "Please". The clerk motioned with her hands and Alex stepped in.

They came to a spacious room with a round terminal in the center that had a Holographic display on top.

There were wide sofas in the room with a red carpet on the floor as well a crystal chandelier hanging from the top.

Alex nodded his head at the level of Luxury and stepped in with the girls. They sat down on a sofa together and looked towards the bustling auction area.

People were already seated in the area below with a minimal amount of space left for others. It was practically jam packed.

"Sir, you can order anything and raise your price through the terminal on the table close to you. You can also isolate the noise from the outside and can only hear the stage.

I will be your personal maid for this room and you can ask me for anything while you are here. I will be standing outside awaiting any orders. Please just ring the bell and have a nice time". The clerk explained everything and stepped out of the room.

"Hmm". Alex hummed in response to her explanation and just looked over to everything.

"Well, let's cut off the noise first". He took the terminal as he isolated the noise from the outside and the room descended into a pleasant silence.

"What do you think will be sold here?" Selena asked in anticipation.

"Well, everything they sell should be miscellaneous as it is an auction". Alex replied as he played with Selena soft cat ears.

"Master, you have to buy what I want". Kurumi said as she sat beside Felicia on Chiyo's side.

"Of course". Alex replied with a smile.

"Alex-kun, tell me what you need and Onee-chan will just take it for you". Chiyo said something dangerous with a harmless smile on her face.

"Onee-chan, you can't take things forcefully. We have to buy them". Alex replied as he quickly patted Chiyo's soft black hair.

"Hey, no touching Onee-chan's hair. It should be my duty to do that". Chiyo quickly shook away Alex's hand as she looked at him with a pout.