99. Plans

Next day, he woke up with Hancock clutching onto him tightly and using his chest and arms like a body pillow.

Alex smiled softly as he caressed her silky black hair and felt her boobs on the side of his abdomen. They were feeling very pleasant on his body.

Hancock was smiling sweetly while clutching onto him and didn't plan to let go of him at all. Alex only express helplessness in her behaviour.

"Now snake Princess, will you let me go?" Alex asked as he kept caressing her head.

"No. I want to lie down for more time". Hancock shook her head as it rubbed on his chest and kept on latching onto him.

"How about this. I will bring something to eat and then you can latch onto me again". Alex said as he smiled and coaxed her.

"Okay". Hancock hesitated for a bit and then nodded her head.

Alex gave a sigh of relief and went to the bathroom to take a piss first before going to the kitchen in the Manor for food.

He bought some invigorating food and chicken as he made his way back to the room. He had a hungry girl to feed.

As soon as he sat down on the bed. Hancock pushed his back against the head rest and rested on his body again.

"My lil Snake, I have to feed myself and you like this". Alex said with wry smile as he took the tray and started feeding her.

He had already sent Kurumi out of the room last night when he knew that he was going to do it with Hancock.

"Here, say ahh". Alex took a spoon full of the dish and fed it to Hancock as she started acting like a baby with him.

He didn't really mind. Sometimes these leisure times were nice as well and could refresh your mood pleasantly.

They enjoyed their breakfast and as Hancock also started feeding Alex after eating a few spoons from him.

"Now I have to do something important. So get ready and meet in the Conference room". Alex said as he stood up from the bed.

"Okay". Hancock nodded her head as she we t to get ready and Alex left the room.

'Kurumi, tell Chiyo-nee chan to convey my message. Bring everyone to the Conference room'. Alex said in his mind as he conveyed the message to kurumi as he was connected to her.

'Okay Master, Kyu~n'. Kurumi replied back as Alex reached the Conference room and waited for everyone to come.

Slowly, everyone started to come inside the conference room. The Conference was filled to the brim and Alex finally realised how many girls he had.

'Guess I overdid it a little'. He thought but the triumphant smile on his face said otherwise.

Zest was standing behind Alex while Albedo was sitting on his right with Raikou sitting on his left. Signifying their commanding positions.

"Now that we have taken over this city. We can start expanding our reach and conquer the whole North America before loving further". Alex said as he scanned everyone with his eyes.

The room only contained woman except Alex. All of them were Alex's most trustworthy and loyal lovers. He had full confidence in them.

"We will weaken the Guard Mansion and get all of their intel. I will take care of the Insects and the Undead. So no worried there.

Chiyo-nee chan and Merlin-nee chan will act as our backdrop support as they transport and connect anyone together. So their roles are crucial in our conquest.

Robin, Felicia, Selena, Ye Lian and Alice will be our assassins that will take out the enemy that we want to be dead discreetly.

Raikou-ka chan, Scathach-nee chan will be the instructors in the weapon wielding. They will also have some authority over the army.

Astolfo, Saeko and Hinata will command a division of their own. Each division will have our most elite soldiers under their command.

Mamako-ka chan and Albedo will be my advisors and Prime ministers as you can say. This way I have someone to keep a leash on my actions as well.

Zest and Grayfia-ka chan will be the head of the maid division. They will be combat Maids that will protect our children if we have them and also serve them accordingly. Obviously both of them cannot be commanded by anyone.

Shizuka-nee chan and Tsunade-nee chan will be the Heads of Healer division as they can be considered the best when it comes down to it. Though Tusna-nee will have to keep an eye on her counterpart.

Zero-Two will be the head of research department and our primary goal is the research of Mechs and interstellar warships. We have some guests to take care of after all.

Hancock will be in charge of the Sniper and archer division. She will train and make a Long range combat unit of only absolute elites". Alex finished categorising everyone's roles ad they were setting the found of a Vast empire and a united world.

"Are we only five people in Assassin Division". Robin put up her hand as she asked.

"Obviously not, you will have to train some trustworthy subordinates for yourself. I can provide appropriate funds freely". Alex shook his head as he said with a smile.

"What is the limit of every division, danna-sama?" Saeko asked as she had a sadistic smile. Probably imagining the fighting and training that she will put people through.

"We will keep it at a maximum of 1000 members for now. They will be given the best support and resources to make them absolute powerhouses. They can take various roles in the army afterwards". Alex replied while looking at Alex.

"What about logistics?" This time it was Mamako that asked the question.

"Logistics will be handled by Chiyo-nee chana and Merlin-nee chan". Alex said as he gestured towards them with his hand.

"Any more questions?" Alex looked around and asked again.

"What about the Capital and Castle". Alice put her hand all the way to the top as she asked excitedly.

"Little Trouble Maker that will come later. First we have to expand". Alex said as he shook her head at her question and enthusiasm.