101. Establishing Troops

Alex had just finished giving the speech and the girls were clapping like he had done some kind of awesome performance.

"Alex-kun has grown up". Raikou quickly came as she hugged Alex in excitement. Mamako and Grayfia narrowed their eyes as they nodded and quickly hugged him from all sides.

"Thank you Ka-chan". Alex smiled and made them sit back down on their seats.

"I've been meaning to ask and I am certain fo the answer but Where is Yumeko?" Alex asked as he looked at everyone.

"Ufufufu, you know it already Alex-sama. So why ask?" Albedo smiled as she replied in her seductive voice.

"Haaaa, she is again at it huh. Tsuna-nee don't try to run as well". Alex quickly admonished her as he saw Tsunade stand up and try to slip away from there.

"Hancock, drag her back here". 'Only a Goudere can handle a Yandere'. He thought while commanding Hancock tiredly.

"Right away". Hancock said and stormed away from the place.

"At least take the new map of the place". Alex said but she was already long gone.

He shook his head and sighed again at her clumsiness as everyone in the room laughed. Alex just sat down on the chair tiredly.

Zest quickly came and started massaging his shoulders expertly. "Thanks Zest". Alex smiled as he patted her hand.

He had responded back to her feelings during these years. She was quite envious type but she didn't get jealous. She was always content with what she was given.

"It's my duty". zest said as she kept on massaging his shoulders carefully.

They waited for good two hours before Hancock came back dragging Yumeko on the ground like a bag of rice.

"So what was she doing now?" Alex asked as he sighed one more time.

'I feel like an old man that sighs all the time'. He thought as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"She was challenging every single person in the Casino to an empty bullet challenge and they couldn't refuse because she was using her strength to pressure them". Hancock reported and sat down as she let Yumeko go.

Yumeko calmly stood up as she dusted and just stood there elegantly with a calm and beautiful smile like whatever that Hancock said had nothing to do with her.

"Yumeko, you know I am trying to establish an Empire and your actions could very well put me in a difficult position". Alex looked at her dead serious in the eyes.

"I'm sorry". Yumeko said as she titled her head hut you could see from her face that she didn't mean it at all.

"Mamako-ka chan, confine her in a room. She is on House arrest for one month. She is not stepping out of the room and no servant will listen to her demands on Gambling". Alex said as he ordered Mamako.

Mamako nodded her head as she expertly took Yumeko who was on the verge of crying. She didn't forget to take a map of the new castle.

Only the Conference was still intact but the rest of the castle had already changed. It could be considered a proper castle in every word.

Mamako got outside and saw a wide hallway with ornamental walls all around. There were portraits and other antiques to decorate the place.

It was truly luxurious beyond compare even before the apocalypse. This could've been the palace of any sheikh in Middle East.

"Now that we have her on track. Let's start with the enrolment of Soldiers. The stricture will be very similar to the Army before and you three, namely Hinata, Astolfo and Saeko will be the ones to report to me directly and control the army.

Orion, Liam and Zoro can also be potential commander just below you three. So keep that in mind". Alex finished with a serious note and all three of them nodded their heads.

"We'll head to supervise the initial recruitment process. There are already some soldiers that can be commanded. So it shouldn't be too big a deal". Astolfo said as she took Saeko and Hinata with her and left the room.

"Mamako-ka chan and Albedo will do a survey of the previous Government officials and see who can be the court officials". Alex said as Mamako and Albedo took their leaves.

"You five guys get to work and start compiling and surveying potential assassins for us". Alex pointed at Robin and the group as they also left.

"Tusane-nee and Shizuka-nee chan will also go and take control of all the healers under the control Guard Mansion and maybe even survey their stand". Alex directed Tsunade as she immediately dragged the protesting Shizuka with her.

Both big Breasted Onee-chans left while jiggling their boobs as they made their way out of the room and Alex couldn't take his eyes away from that scene.

"Scathach-nee chan and Raikou-ka chan don't need to go yet as the army is not ready yet. So you two are free to do what you want". Alex said as he smiled at the two of them.

"I will go and make some cookies for you". Raikou said happily as she got ready to go.

"Thank you". Alex said as he Raikou hurriedly exited the room.

Scathach didn't plan to leave as she just there calmly like an obedient wife. Alex just smiled at her and continued.

"Yumeko will be in charge of Finances. I don't want to put her there but she is just that good at it". Alex sighed as he appointed her. She was a genius at it but her shenanigans were something else.

"Zero-Two, you go and find the research team here. See those who are clean of the experiment and employ them to work. The rest are to be kicked out or disposed". Alex said as he looked at Zero-Two.

"Okay Darling". Zero-Two smiled and got ready to leave.

Now only Zest and Scathach were left in the room and Alex was looking at Scathach intently. "Hehe, Scathavh-nee chan, today you are going to get your just desserts". Alex said pervertedly as he motioned with his hands.

Scathach grew a faint blush on her face and sat there calmly.