106. Hinata(R-18)

After a while, Alex felt someone standing in front of his door. 'Hinata-chan came on her own initiative huh'. He thought as he rubbed his chin.

Hinata was currently standing at the door witg Byakugan active and was looking at the sleeping Alex inside the room.

'*gulp*, Alex-kun'. Hinata gulped as she saw his muscular body sprawled below the sheets.

She was a closet pervert and she knew it very well. She was content with watching Alex's body and little brother.

She has been doing this for years and she never gets tired of this. She would follow him wherever he goes like a shadow.

Alex knew all this but he never stopped her. 'I mean first of all she is cute. She is my girl and stalking me doesn't really amount to much'. That was always what Alex thought.

Inside the bedroom, Alex finally had enough and looked over to the bedroom door while hooking his finger at her.

Hinata was a bit frightened and wanted to run away from there but summoned her courage and slowly pushed the door to go inside.

"Hinata-chan, you are a really naughty girl". Alex teased as he got up from the bed and went near her.

"Alex-kun". Hinata hung her head down like a child that did something wrong.

"Now look here". Alex said as he used his finger and pushed her chin up.

They looked at each other for a while as Hinata closed her eyes and Alex bought his face closer to her lips.

Their lips connected as the kiss went from a chaste kiss to a hot one in seconds. Their tongues entwined together as Alex pressed her waist harder against himself.

Hinata also pressed the back of Alex's head with her hands and kissed him back fervently. She was feeling a lot bolder today.

They exchanged saliva as they twisted their tongues together without letting go of each other.

Alex's hands started to take liberty as they fondled Hinata's ass and boobs while Hinata used her hand to rub Alex's cock.

"Alex-kun". Hinata's face was red from embarrassment and expectations.

She really wanted to do it today with her Alex-kun. 'You have made me wait for so long'. Her eyes were conveying this while she looked at Alex.

"Hinata-chan". Alex also looked at her with lust and bit on her boobs as he picked her up from her butt.

"Ahn~". He didn't even remove her clothes and just gave a few bites on her boobs.

Himata moaned as the pain and pleasure mixed in her brain made her feel like she was floating above the clouds.

"Hehe, my little masochist. This is just the beginning". Alex laughed as he slowly removed her clothes and left her bare in front of his eyes.

"Now get down and service your master". Alex ordered domineeringly as he pushed Hinata down to her knees.

Hinata looked at Alex's bulging shorts and pulled them down as the cock hit her in the face which startled her.

She looked up at Alex's stern face and it somehow aroused her even more as she used her tongue to slowly lick Alex's cock while rubbing it with one hand.

"Put it in your mouth". Alex ordered with a stern voice and looked at her disdainfully.

The look and words aroused Hinata even more as she quickly took Alex's cock in her mouth and tried to suck it while bobbing her head up and down.

"Let me show you how it's done". Alex didn't wait for her as he grabbed her hair and shoved his whole cock down her throat.

Hinata eyes became watery from gagging on Alex's cock as it was too much for her but Alex didn't relent as he fucked her mouth relentlessly.

Hinata was soaking wet from the actions. Her pussy was dripping with juices as Alex fucked her mouth without any care of her well-being.

Hinata's eyes were slowly getting glazed over with lust as they grew misty and she wanted nothing more than Alex's cock to ravage her savagely.

"Mmmm, Get up". After cumming in Hinata's mouth. Alex took her arm and forcefully made her stand up.

"Get on the bed with your ass towards me". Alex ordered and Hinata got on the bed as she put her ass towards Alex in the air.

Her cheeks were rosy and there were hints of expectations on her face. She was shaking her ass involuntarily. It was like her body wanted it on its own.

Alex got close to her as he rubbed the tip of his cock on her pussy and looked at her servile pose in front of him.

"If you want it then you need to beg for it". He said as he smirked at her.

The smirk and the teasing made her brain flood with pleasure as she opened her motuh. "P-Please M-master g-give me your cock". Hinata begged with watery eyes that made her look pitiful and cute.

"Good". Alex nodded as he shoved his dick straight into her cunt in one stroke and broke through her hymen easily.

"Ahn, mmn". Her pussy was wet and soft. Alex couldn't help moaning from the pleasure of that feeling.

"Ahnnnn". Hinata moaned at the top of her lungs when the dick pierced through her pussy.

Alex didn't relent and started pumping her pussy hard with his cock. He was scraping her G-spot while hitting deep into her womb.

"Take this". Alex took his hand up and spanked her ass.

"Ahn~". Hinata moaned loudly when she felt a spank on her ass.

Her pussy tightened from the pleasure and pain. Alex enjoyed the tightening a lot. So he again spanked her ass.

Alex picked up his speed as he spanked her ass and rammed his cock into her pussy. He bent down on top of her as he bit her ear.

Hinata was seeing stars by now from the pleasure. Her head was in the clouds and she wasn't able to think of anything else.

"Take it all!" Alex groaned as he rammed his dick straight in and ejaculated into her pussy at full force.

"Ahnnn, yessss, thank you Master". Hinata moaned as she arched her back and orgasmed together with him.