107. Another Date

Next day Alex woke up with two weights on his chest as he patted their silky and smooth heads with his hands.

Unknowingly after they finished last night. Hanabi entered the room and slept with them on the bed. She is one sneaky fox.

Alex didn't mind and just slept comfortably with both of them in his chest soundly. He only woke up when the sun hit his face.

'I love the sun but sometimes it is annoying'. Alex thought as he lifted his upper body up and the two girls also woke up.

He was resting his upper body on the bed rest while the two sisters had their heads on his broad chest.

"Hanabi, you school is about to start. So we need to go". Alex said as he looked at the clock in the room.

"I don't wanna". Hanabi protested as she acted spoilt in front of him.

"No can do". Alex denied immediately as he picked both of them up on his shoulder and took them to the bathroom for a wash.

After the bath, Alex quickly left the manor as he sped off towards the his base City. On the way, he left Hanabi at school and took Hinata to her room.

As soon as he came out and went to the hall. He was tackled by a black blur before he even had the time for a greeting.

"Dear". Hancock shouted as she latched onto Alex's chest.

"Are you goo Hancock?" Alex asked as he stroked her luscious black hair.

"Mmhmm but I am upset with you". Hancock and then pouted at him.

"Oh, what's the problem?" Alex asked as he looked into her eyes.

"You put so much work on me and didn't even take me on a Date". She pouted and traced her finger on Alex's chest lightly while burying her head in his chest.

"Alright my bad. Where do you want to go?" Alex smiled as he patted her head.

"I wanna go to the Angel City. They are going to hold an auction in the evening". Hancock said as she smiled while looking into Alex's eyes.

"That's a small matter. Let's go, I'll take you there". Alex said as he took her hand and started walking out of the castle.

"Oh there is a better way to go there actually". Alex just remembered and looked back at the castle.

'Chiyo-nee chan, can you send me and Hancock to Angel City?' Alex thought in his mind and the next second. They were standing in front of a City with beautiful white walls.

'Thanks Chiyo-nee chan'. Alex thought in his mind and led the way with Hancock.

'Anything for you'. Chiyo's voice came to his mind and Alex smiled.

They showed their entry passes and entered the City without being hindered.

"Been a while since we came here huh". Alex said as he looked around at the place with Hancock.

"Yeah let's go to Emperor Hotel for Breakfast". Hancock nodded her head and quickly pulled Alex with her towards the hotel.

Alex just smiled as he followed her to the Hotel. It was a magnificent building with marbled walls and pillars. The floor was made of tough crystal that could withstand the impact from a Tier 4 powerhouse easily.

"Sir, do you have a reservation?" A waitress bowed as she enquired.

"No but is there any vacancies?" Alex shook his head but still enquired.

"No sir, there is only luxury boxes left". The waitress kept her bow standard and said.

"Then we will take the luxury box". Alex said without minding too much.

"Sir, a luxury box's minimum consumption is ten million credits". The waitress reminded tacitly as she looked at them.

She knew that they were new customers and may not know the consumption of the box. If they are not able to pay. It will bite her back in the end.

"No problem, lead the way". Alex didn't change his face and demanded.

"Please this way". The waitress nodded and hurriedly led the way in front.

Soon they came to a box with gold and diamond decorations everywhere with classic paintings and vases decorating the room.

It was artistic and didn't look gaudy but sophisticated and clean. Alex was quite pleased with the atmosphere.

They sat down on the chairs as Hancock couldn't help but fidget about in her chair.

"Why are you fidgeting?" Alex asked with a smile.

"I want to sit with you". Hancock said while touching her two index fingers together.

"Come here". Alex smiled as he opened his arms for her.

Hancock immediately beamed up as she practically threw herself into Alex's arms and sat down on his lap.

Her cute acts always makes Alex smile and he never gets enough of it. 'Who doesn't like this'. He thought in his mind.

Hancock made herself comfortable in his arms as she had her face towards the table and the waitress came to the with a menu.

She looked at their display of affection and didn't comment on it as plenty of people like this appear in the hotel.

"We will take this Foie grass, caviar…..". Alex quickly made the order and a large number of dishes were ordered quickly.

"Also bring us some good wine. Anything like Romani Conti or Louis XIII will do". Alex said and closed the menu.

The waitress bowed and left after taking the order. They only waited twenty minutes and the order started rolling in as the table was filled with food.

"Dead open you mouth". Hancock said as she used her cutlery to feed Alex and herself in turn.

They spent a good two hours to just eat the food and were very satisfied. "That was some good food". Alex patted his stomach while Hancock nodded.

Their Date was off to a good start with the food from Emperor Hotel.

"Let's go get some dessert". Alex said as he stood up with Hancock clutching his arm tightly.

"We can roam around for a while and then go to the Auction in the evening". Alex led the way as they came to a dessert parlour close by.

"Ok". Hancock agreed readily as she only wanted to spend time with him anyway.