112. Timeskip

Alex woke up on the bed as Alice and Ye Lian were sleeping beside him.

'The burden of an entire nation is not small'. Alex thought as he looked at the two girls sleeping soundly beside him.

It has been two years since he first started to wage wars against the rest of Guard Mansion Base Cities in North American Continent.

He has conquered half of the Continent and the other Base Cities have started to plant a fierce offensive against his campaign.

Now it is time for the last and decisive battle that will take place in the Nevada Desert today between the high end powers of both factions.

'I don't know if the The Leader will come to fight himself or will he hide'. Alex mused to himself as he looked outside at the prosperous city full of vitality and laughter.

Alex was pleased with his hard work of two years. Now there are police, military and a working court that can maintain the government on its own without the need for Alex to be there all the time.

These two years have been quite fruitful. He is at Tier 10 with Mamako and them guys at also being stuck at Tier 10 and the girls are all at Tier 9z

It is only a matter time for the breakthrough to happen and for them to finally hold a firm foothold in the world.

'The Angel, Demon and Undead have Tier 13 powerhouses that I have to contend against using my whole power except The One'. He thought himself.

'After this battle. Maybe it is time to see past the portal'. Alex looked up at the sky towards the direction of the portal's supposed location.

He sighed as he patted the girls' heads to wake them up from their slumber. Today was an important day.

The girls squirmed around for a while and slowly opened their eyes while yawning and stretching their bodies.

"Alex, good Morning". Alice smiled as she hugged his neck gave him a kiss.

"Good Morning". Alex smiled back as he greeted.

He then looked down at the blushing Ye Lian that was looking really cute.

"What about you? Where is my Good morning?" Alex smiled as he teased Ye Lian with a wink.

Ye Lian blushed even harder but mustered up her courage and pecked him on the lips lightly.

Alex didn't push it too much as he knew that she was very shy in doing these things. She would run away if he pushed too much.

They were already 20 years old and have done it plenty of time but she never got used to this even after so long.

But he likes her clumsiness and shy personality a lot. It is like a fresh breeze to tease her every once in a while.

"Okay let's get up and go to the meeting room". Alex said as he stood up from the bed while the girls followed along.

"Yeah but I want to take a bath first". Alice nodded as she stood up and twisted her hips in front of him like an invitation.

When has Alex endured this kind of provocation. He didn't care at all as he picked both of them on either side of his shoulders and headed towards the bathroom.

After a nice long 'bath'. They got out and dressed up as they made their way towards the conference room.

Inside, everyone was already waiting for them. Some girls were handling the affairs in the empire. So they had no way to come over and attend the meeting.

Plus, there was only need for military and logistics personnel to attend anyway. So Alex didn't pay it any mind and walked in.

*Heavy stepping noise*

"Your Majesty". All the people inside saluted as they stepped heavily on the ground.

"Be seated". Alex said as he went and sat down on his seat.

"Sir, we have gotten intel that the enemy has a very powerful leader among them. Plus they have thousands of Tier 6 and tens of Tier 8 powerhouses on their side". A general stood up as he reported.

"Hmm, what are our statistics". Alex nodded not too worried and asked.

"We have thousands of Tier 6. Thanks to your Majesty's efforts while for the high end combat power, we have your highnesses". The General said.

"That's good enough. Our side has more high end combat power than then which is of more significance". Alex nodded as he waved his hand to make general sit down.

"What is movement situation?" He asked.

"They have built a temporary base near the Base City. It's about ten to twenty miles away from us". A scouting captain said as he read the report.

"So final battle is upon us". Alex said while sighing.

'Too much bloodshed but it is important'. He was lamenting a bit but he had prepared for this a long time ago.

"Our rapid expansion has finally strangled their throats decisively. Now they can't wait to take care of us". Alex said with a wry smile.

The generals also laughed along with him. No one was that tense from this situation as everyone has seen Alex's power.

So everyone was more relaxed as they were more assured of their victory in this fight. Everyone was laughing merrily and waiting for movement from the enemy's side.

"Your Majesty, Movement has been confirmed. The enemy has started marching on the desert". A general stood up as he reported.

"Prepare the army and roll out". Alex said as he stood up and prepared to move with the army.

Zest and Albedo stood behind him while Hinata, Saeko and Astolfo were surrounding him from all sides like faithful retainers.

Raikou and Scathach were already awaiting in the barracks for them arrive while Tsunade and Shizuka were with their convoys to make sure that healing of the army wouldn't be interrupted.

Chiyo and Merlin were looking after the logistics side of the march. Everything was already prepared and they just had to start the march.

"Well, looks like we will be getting some good exercise". Alex said with a smile as he cracked his neck and knuckles.