Twenty Questions

Dae could feel Evan's breath against his skin in the cramped space, but he surprisingly didn't mind. Especially now that Evan seemed to calm down a little, although his hand still gripped his own shoulder. "You okay?"

Evan shook his head, "Barely...But...I'm glad you're here."

"So, I'm helping then...? I wasn't so sure," Dae glanced away briefly. "Y-You went away for a minute scared me if I'm being honest."

Sadness reflected in Evan's eyes, his whispered tone matching Dae's. "Yeah...Sorry about that. I promise you're doing great. But I won't be in your debt...There has to be a way I can make it up to you?"

Dae chided himself for the first thoughts that came to his mind. His eyes flicked quickly to Evan's lips, but Dae pulled his focus back up to the redhead's eyes. "How about...twenty questions? I feel like we barely know each other."

"And yet..." Evan motioned to the limited space between their bodies with a smirk on his face, "Guess you really are bad, huh?"

Dae felt an amused smile cross his own lips, "Trust me when I say, I'm trying really hard to be good."

Evan shakes his head, and Dae noticed the grip on his shoulder loosening ever so slightly. "Good to know...I can do twenty questions. But who's first?"

"You go ahead." Dae leaned back a little, trying to make the obvious tension between them less palpable. He couldn't help but feel like this wasn't the appropriate time to humor the many thoughts going through his mind about how close the two were.

Evan wore a small smile before his expression became more serious. "Okay...Got one...Why were you so quick to put yourself between me and the door?"

Dae is a little taken back by how serious this first question was, but tried to lighten the mood a little. "'re bad at this game. Of all the juicy things-"

"I'm serious, Dae. Why?" Evan's face clouds with darkness, "You barely know me..."

"I don't know...?" Dae shrugged a little uncomfortable at how he couldn't escape Evan's intense stare, "Maybe stupidity? Maybe bravado? Maybe...instinct? I just don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Dae blushed the moment the words left his lips, and it only intensified when all Evan had to offer in reply was a soft, surprised sound. Luckily for Dae's growing embarrassment, Evan quickly cleared his throat and looked away, whispering "Okay...Your turn..."

Dae took a quick breath, before turning back to face Evan--hoping against hope that his flush wasn't too noticeable. "I'm going to go less interrogation and more old school with my question; so don't think I'm too lame, okay? Answer me this, Evan, for it is incredibly crucial for me to know!"

Evan shook his head at Dae, "The suspense is killing me."

"As it should," Dae offered a warm grin. "Anyway, my question is...What's your favorite scary movie?"

A less then whispered laugh escaped Evan, and Dae's heart swelled with pride. After a minute of trying to compose himself, Evan finally spoke. "I can't believe you just did that to me. You're ridiculous. However, I'd hate to disappoint you, but I don't really like choosing favorites."

"Oh. That's a cope out, and you know it!" Dae shook his head, with a laugh. "I'll let it slide this time, but you can't tell me that adobo and...I don't know, anchovies are equally matched in your eyes! You'd be a liar! Besides, you have to have some preferences."

Evan's eyebrows shot up at Dae's usage of the word, and another confident smirk spread across the redhead's face. "I have a lot of preferences, Dae. But you're going to have to put in some work to find them if you catch my drift."

Dae can't help but exhale and turn away from Evan, cursing the things his body was feeling after that comment under his breath. Without realizing it, the space between them had lessened once more. And with how easily the flirtation between them drowned out the fact that they were in a lockdown--and practically strangers--Dae couldn't help but feel a little...odd.

Evan's voice broke him out of his thoughts, and Dae wasn't sure how many more questions he could take if they had follow-ups like that. "So tell me, since we're on the topic, what do you prefer? Long-term, or just...some fun?"

Dae could feel his throat begin to dry, "What?"

"What are you looking for here, Dae? Some fun, or...a relationship?" Evan's eyes never left Dae's face, and the vulnerability made him squirm, "I need to know what I'm getting into. Unless...oh god...Am I--am I misreading this whole thing?"

As fear replaced the previous emotion on Evan's face, Dae was torn between facing his long-ignored inner demons and consoling the redhead that he did nothing wrong. In the end, the bell rang releasing them from lockdown, and Dae unlocked the door and all but ran out of the stall. Then out of the bathroom, and despite hearing Evan calling out his name, Dae just couldn't force himself to stop.