War at Home

After the lockdown, Dae rushed through the rest of his classes as he planned to escape school without having to see Evan again. He wasn't sure he could trust himself around the redhead after he'd already been so...trusting. Dae couldn't put into words exactly what had happened in that stall between them--no matter how hard he tried. Granted, he had a suspicion, but he wasn't ready to traverse into that emotional turmoil just yet...

Struggling against his thoughts, he was able to make it through the exit without incident, and Dae practically started to run home. He opted to avoid anyone who uttered anything that even resembled his name. Dae wasn't particularly in the mood to interact with other people, face to face.

A few blocks later, when he was finally able to slow to a walk and catch his breath, Dae heard his phone ping for the fourth time with a now-updated text tone, thanks to Leilani. Who had apparently seen his hectic escape, if the four texts coming through simultaneously were any indication? And Dae knew quite well that, with Leilani, multiple texts always meant something--and rarely anything good.



Lei <3: What the fuck happened?!

Lei <3: Are you okay?

He shook his head, the guilt from causing his best friend to worry so much about him mingling with the already existent hesitation to open up to her about Evan. And whatever he was feeling for Evan might mean for his plan to avoid any relationships since...

But shaking off these darker thoughts, Dae typed out a quick reply letting her know that he loved her, but also blaming his mood on some fictional classmate making comments about him. As expected, Leilani was fired up, but when he talked her out of fighting the classmate, the dust seemed to have settled.

However, his momentary relief was immediately interrupted when he turned to step through his front door and heard a car pull up next door. He felt his entire body freeze, as Evan's familiar voice called out. "Still mad at me?"

Dae didn't even turn in Evan's direction, instead, he barreled into his house with absolutely no chill. Trying to get inside as soon as possible, he all but slammed the door shut and took a deep breath. Dae nearly choked on the stale scent of alcohol permeating the air, his eardrum throbbing from the TV left on and blaring.

Yet, somehow, Dae slamming the door shut was what woke his father up.

There was a momentary alarm on his face that faded into anger, and Dae watched as he struggled to get out of his chair. After a moment or so of the sad display, Dae held up his hands in apology. "Don't hurt yourself, Pops. It was an accident. Sorry."

He started walking to his room when his dad finally used his voice. And it was the start of an all too familiar screaming match. His dad's voice boomed out to be heard over the television, "An accident? It's always an 'accident' with you!"

"Seriously, Pops? Lay off. I didn't mean it and-"

"NO!" His dad screamed, his face growing red either from sheer drunkenness or due to his anger. "Don't tell me to lay off! The last time I did that you were trying to get drugged out and-"

"Don't do that!" Dae felt his hands ball into fists, and the sight of it caused his father to pause his attack. His dad anxiously watched as Dae's knuckles turned white. "You don't get to weaponize my trauma when you get shitfaced all day!"

"Don't you dare yell at me like that Amadeus!!"

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't have the television so fucking loud, Crisanto!"

After using his father's first name like a knife, Dae took advantage of his momentary shock to open his bedroom door, walked inside, and slam it shut in his father's face. He locked the door and tried to calm himself while his father continued to scream outside in the hall. He went on and on about how Dae had become such a mess, how he was always making mistakes, and how the biggest mistake his father ever made was thinking Dae could take care of himself.

Having heard the bull shit many times before, with a few new amendments after his stay in Hearth Haven, Dae tried to calm himself by throwing open his window for some fresh air. He leaned on the windowsill and started spacing out, trying to focus on his breathing when he was distracted by a subtle movement. He glanced over to it and saw Evan sitting on his roof, smoking a cigarette while staring directly at him.

There was a silent moment between them; where they just stared at each other. And it wasn't until Evan gave him a half-hearted wave, that Dae noticed the cell phone in his other hand. And when his father yelled again with even more gusto, Dae realized that Evan had probably heard everything. But the redhead just sat there, watching Dae with sad eyes, just waiting for the smallest signal to call someone to diffuse the situation.

But Dae shut his window without a word--or even a wave back--and struggled to focus on his breathing. It would be difficult, but it was better than the alternative.

And he didn't need saving.