House Call

After about four hours, Evan approaches Dae's table with a to-go box at the ready. The redhead, who is no longer wearing his apron, smiled as he sat down across from Dae. "You ready? Or did you wanna stick around for the night shift? Eleanor is way more no-nonsense than me, so..."

Dae chuckled and began packing up his books while Evan packed what food he hadn't eaten, "I don't know. I think my favorite waiter might be heading out, so I'm probably leaving too. But I'm sure Miss Eleanor is lovely."

"She definitely isn't," Evan smirked, sliding out of the booth until he was on his feet, and nodded for Dae to walk with him. Dae followed suit, swinging his backpack over his shoulder, and grabbed his food before heading towards the door with Evan.

As they walked, Dae thought that maybe a silence would sit between them the whole way home, however Evan broke the quiet first. And Dae was relieved--those moments when nothing was said between them were torture for him. "So...Favorite waiter, huh?"

There was something in his voice that made Dae suck in an unexpected breath, and Evan definitely noticed--his eyes flicking to Dae for a brief moment. Dae struggled for a second longer before he finally answered, "I might be biased...but yeah."

"Good to know." Another small silence sat between them, and within it was an electricity that made Dae's arm hair stand on end. Evan glanced back over at him, before smiling and speaking again. " was the food?"

Dae felt his smile widen slightly at how easy even the small talk with Evan was. "It was good. Way more than I could eat, so thanks for spoiling me."

"Anytime," Evan smiled back, and began heading up his walkway.

Dae hesitated for just a moment, surprised at how the trip back seemed so much faster, before walking the redhead up to his house. Once on the porch, Dae shoved his hands in his pockets and waited for Evan to unlock the front door. He tried to fill the silence instead of standing there awkwardly, "No one left the door open for you?"

Evan's movement slowed down for just a few seconds, before he answered in a whisper, "No."

Dae felt the shift in his voice immediately, and assumed he'd messed things up again. He took a step down the stairs as Evan finally opened the door--releasing a warm woody scent from within. The redhead turned to look at him before a slow smile settled on his face, "Don't get scared now; I'm not mad. We'll talk about my family issues later..."

Dae exhaled softly and nodded, "Not gonna lie, I was more then a little worried. I know, personally, that family can be...messy."

Another small silence sat between them, and right as Dae was about to turn to leave, Evan asked. "Dae? Did you want to come in?"

Dae couldn't help the blush that crept into his cheeks. He knew being invited in didn't mean anything was certain--but he also couldn't help when his mind wandered. After a moment, he nodded and followed Evan inside.

The first thing Dae noticed inside Evan's house was that the woodsy smell was stronger inside, but not too overpowering. After taking a minute to look around, he was met with a tidy, minimally decorated home--there was the essential furniture, but not much else.

When his gaze landed on Evan again, the redhead was uncharacteristically shy as he motioned toward the sofa. A blush settling on his cheeks, while he made eye contact with Dae as he sat down. "Well...this is it. Home, sweet home."

"It's...beautiful. I'm a fan." Despite trying to contain himself, the flush on the redhead's cheek made Dae's mind go wild. He shifted his posture due to the growing discomfort against his sweatpants, trying his best to contain himself.

Evan's eyes flicked between Dae's legs and an amused smirk danced across his lips. "Well, go ahead and make yourself...comfortable. I'm going to jump in a shower."

Another pulse of discomfort spread through him as Evan walked away with only a single look back. And Dae knew that look--he'd both used it and was on the reciprocating end. It was definitely the 'follow me, if you want to' look, and despite wanting to behave himself, Dae stood up a few seconds later.

Feeling himself press against his sweats, he started to slowly make his way down the hall Evan had disappeared into. While dropping off his food on a counter, Dae was arguing with himself as he crept through Evan's house--on one hand that was definitely a sexually charged look, but on the other, their relationship was still mending so was it worth potentially ruining the future for this one moment?

Before he could answer his own question, Dae approached the bathroom--with its door left wide open--and peaked from the doorway. The sight was enough for his breath to catch in his throat.

The steam was slowly starting to creep up the glass shower doors, and within was Evan's naked body. Though there was never any doubt, with Evan's butt facing Dae, it was instantly apparent from the small sprinkling between the cheeks that he was a natural redhead.

Watching as Evan began to lather his body up, Dae stepped forward, and the floorboard in front of the bathroom creaked from his weight. Despite the pressure against his sweats and the scene unfolding in front of him, as Evan turned to make eye contact Dae lost all of his nerve.

Not waiting to meet Evan's eyes, Dae hurried away from the bathroom, cursing himself for ever thinking that he wouldn't feel like shit for sleeping with Evan so early in their relationship if anything ever drove them apart. He dropped back onto the couch, before leaning his head back to stare at the ceiling. Dae shut his eyes and tried to will himself to calm down.