An Enigma

After about fifteen minutes of forcing himself to think of things that weren't Evan; Dae heard the soft padding of bare feet on hardwood. He steeled himself with one last deep breath, hoping that he'd calmed down enough to not draw more attention to himself.

But, when he finally opened his eyes, he was met by the sight of the redhead standing in the doorway with damp hair and a curious look on his face. The redhead now wore a pair of pajama shorts that ended at his mid-thigh, and Dae couldn't stop his eyes from traveling up Evan's legs and resting on the skin revealed through the sides of the redhead's drop-arm tank top.

After a moment of staring, Dae noticed the smile on Evan's face before turning away with heat rising to his cheeks. Evan chuckled, "You're certainly...tactful, Dae. But next time just join me? "

"What?" Dae asked, as he lost the fight to avoid eye contact, and turned back to see the redhead smirk before disappearing into the kitchen.

Dae's mind raced with all kinds of messy thoughts--some about Evan and the things he'd definitely want them to do together--but most of them were about what he actually didn't do when he had the chance.

He'd never been in a situation like this before. Usually, the thought of sex with someone he found attractive was enough for him, but Dae's insides twisted until he was in pain at the thought of ONLY having sex with Evan. Something about this redhead made him want...more.

But the thought of another relationship scared the shit out of him. He's been terrified to be vulnerable with anyone ever since all the things that went down with Amelia. He just wasn't ready to take that step--or he thought he wasn't. Until Evan showed up in his life...Now all he wanted was to--

"Earth to Dae." Evan's hand waving in Dae's face snapped him out of his spiral. "You still with me?"

Dae could feel his cheeks heat up again, but he turned to see Evan had taken a seat next to him. "Yeah...Sorry...What did you say?"

"We're just ignoring that you space out a lot, huh? I guess that works for me. But anyway, I was just telling you that you don't have to play coy." Evan shook his head before handing Dae a glass of soda. "You could've totally hopped in the shower with me if you wanted to, but you didn't... So then.."

And after seeing the way Evan's face scrunched up briefly as he thought hard about something, Dae couldn't stop himself from asking even if he wanted to. "So then, what?"

"So then, why did you stay?" Evan asked bluntly, turning to Dae and locking eyes with him. "Why did you stop running away?"

Dae's breath hitched in his throat for a moment, before he tried to put some confidence into his voice. He knew what he was going to say wasn't a lie, but he just hoped it didn't seem like one to Evan, "I guess...I'm curious"

"Curious?" Evan cocked an eyebrow as if he didn't understand Dae's answer. "Curious about what?"

"You." Dae's voice didn't shake; it held strong while he confessed. But after Evan remained silent for a minute, Dae's voice started to falter as he added, "And this house...Like what's your story...Not that you have to tell me...It's just--"

Dae's tangent is interrupted by Evan's cool finger on his lips. "Stop. You're embarrassing yourself...And me."

Despite himself, Dae laughed, "Sorry. Clearly, I'm a little rusty when it comes to...this."

When he motions between the two boys Evan finally smiles. "Same here...If I'm being honest, sometimes I'm afraid I'm being too forward...I...never really know how to gauge your reaction..."

The redhead's cheeks flushed pink in one of those rare occasions where he wasn't as self-assured as usual. Dae suddenly felt a mix of emotions. "That makes two of us....I said it before and I'll say it again. I'm a mess; but I'm trying...."

"Don't worry. I'm also a mess." Evan sighs and puts a little distance between himself and Dae. Evan then motioned to the house with his arms, a sad smile on his face. "Ever wonder why you never see anyone else come in or out of this house?"

Dae thought back for a moment and realized that it's only ever been Evan coming and going from here. Goosebumps spread through him as he steeled himself to ask the redhead, "You...You live here alone?"

"Pretty cool, huh?" Instantly disgust filled Evan's face, "Or at least it would be if my parents didn't buy this house so their queer mistake wouldn't ruin their status. Heaven forbid people talk about the gay son..."

Dae wasn't sure how to react to what Evan was telling him, so he thought it best to just listen for now. He nodded to Evan as the redhead continued ranting.

"My parents are...socialites a few towns over. Their reputation means everything to them...even more than their only kid, apparently. My parents were appalled that I would choose to be out and proud--neither of which was true when they found out. But that didn't matter...I was a stain on their reputation if their friends knew."

Dae couldn't stop himself from asking a question that was ripping at him, "Did they...kick you out?"

Evan shook his head, "Honestly I shouldn't say this...but I think them kicking me out would have been easier...They couldn't have the neighborhood hear that they abandoned their only child either, so we just...lived in silence for weeks. They didn't bother to speak to me at all, Dae!"

"I'm..Shit...'I'm sorry' isn't good enough here is it?" Dae reached out and gripped Evan's shoulder gently. The redhead jumped at first, but almost instantly relaxed into the touch.

"You have nothing to apologize for..." Evan glanced over at Dae with tears threatening to fall, "You weren't the one who decided to buy your son a house in another town because you were scared that people would find out that he liked boys."

"Who does that?" Dae couldn't believe his ears

"Rich white socialites with no class and even fewer morals?" Evan chuckled sadly, "Enter my parents..."

Dae shook his head, the smile on his face not quite reaching his eyes. "Still...I'm sorry they suck."

Evan placed his hand over Dae's and scooted a little closer. Static danced between them, but neither boy made a move. Finally, Evan spoke, in an uncharacteristically small voice "Yeah well...Thanks for not sucking too."