One Step Forward...

Waking up in one of the lavish guest bedrooms the next morning, Dae was struck again by the realization that Nikolai was, in fact, loaded. When they arrived the previous night he had made a mental note that Nik lived a life he knew nothing about, and sitting in a huge bed with sheets that had a thread count higher than he could comprehend, he wondered how much of this life Evan shared with his best friend.

As he lay awake in bed, the smells of both breakfast food and coffee wafted through the air. Rolling out of bed and after adjusting the pajamas that had cocooned around his body while he'd slept, Dae headed down the long hallway toward the source of the smells--hoping not to get lost in the grand building Nikolai called home.

With little to no incident, Dae managed to find his way into the kitchen. Sunlight streamed in from skylights lining the ceiling, bathing the scene in the early morning light. Leilani sat slouched on one of the stools lining the island, her head resting on its surface, groaning from what Dae presumed was the worst hangover of her life.

Hovering close to her--more realistically doting over her like a worried mom--was Nikolai. He flitted around the kitchen, shirtless, the sunlight glistening off of every single ab as he continued to put everyone to shame. Nik added a few more ingredients to a cup in his hand, before mixing it around and handing it to Leilani. "This should help; my sister says it works wonders."

Lastly, Dae's eyes landed on Evan who was making his way around the kitchen as if he'd been cooking in it his whole life. After closing a cabinet and playfully bumping hips with Nik to get him out of the way, the redhead returned to the stove to continue cooking. He glanced up at Dae and a shy smile spread across Evan's face, "How do you look that good in the morning?"

"He's a cheater!" Leilani moans out before Dae has a chance to reply, causing him to laugh. She looks up and squints at him. "Don't lie to him, I know it's true."

Dae laughed again, shaking his head before looking back at Evan, "She's right. I might've stumbled into a random bathroom on my way here and freshened up."

"Shit...Sorry I couldn't direct you, Dae. Just Leilani was in quite a rough state so-"

"I object!" Leilani winces at the sound of her own raised voice, "I am always a delightful fucking goddess."

"Even now?" Evan smirked at her, and she stuck her tongue out at him before responding. Despite her condition, warmth spread through Leilani's face when she regarded the redhead.

"Yes. Even now. Isn't that obvious?"

Suddenly, the banter is interrupted as a force comes bounding into the kitchen. Seven feet tall and blonde, the tornado sped past Dae and scooped up Evan from behind. His laughter, filled to the brim with utter amusement, resonated through the air.

After the few seconds of chaos had settled, Dae took in a tall striking blonde girl--nearly identical to Nik in every way. Her booming voice was the most prominent thing that was different from Nikolai's soft melodic tone. When he spoke, you were filled with warmth; her voice seemed to fill people with vigor.

"I'd know that smell anywhere! How come Nikki didn't tell me you were coming over Ev?! I woulda gotten all dolled up!"

When she sets him back down, she leans over Evan to grab a piece of whatever he's cooking before he swats her hand away. "I'm calling bullshit, Nat! You don't get dolled up for anyone."

"Touche." She smirked at him before ruffling his red curls, "But you cook for me, so you're my favorite one of Nikki's friends. Maybe I'd make an exception, you never know?!"

Nikolai cleared his throat, and when 'Nat' looked at him, she seemed to finally take in the other people in the kitchen. She shrugged, with a broad smile. "Oh...No offense, I guess? I don't really know you so I can't exactly say you're my favorite-"

"Not the point, Natalia." Nik shook his head, "Leilani? Dae? This is my overbearing twin Natalia. Nat meet Dae and Leilani."

At the mention of his name, Dae noticed recognition light up on Nat's face. She looked at Evan then focused back on Dae, seeming to regard him more closely. "As in Evan's probably, most likely, 'we haven't put any labels on it' boyfriend, Dae?"

Heat rose to his cheeks, but before he could answer, Leilani did it for him. Shooting out of her seat with a newfound energy that made Nik look nervous, she walked over to Natalia with a purpose. "Yes, yes. They're the cutest couple, but I'm curious about you."

Nat cocked an eyebrow at her, leaning against the countertops. "Oh? You're not really my type, but I'll bite; what do you wanna know?"

"Nik mentioned that you take part in some activism; protests, rallies, and such. What's that life like? I'd love to do more, but-"

"Now you've done it," Nik looked appalled, while Evan let out a loud laugh. Leilani glanced between them before settling back on Nat, who was smirking with delight. "Hope you guys didn't have any concrete plans for the day; because I am officially kidnapping you!"