Two steps back

Dae suddenly felt tense as he followed the group, led by a whooping Nat, into a massive crowd. Having never been to a protest, he was immediately uncomfortable at merely the amount of people present. And being the opposite of a city kid, this entire situation was a little overwhelming for him--but at least he was down for the cause; trying to help fight for women's right to abortions.

And it helped calm some of his nerves when Evan grabbed his hand, softly squeezing it as they weaved in and out of other protestors to keep up with Nat, Nik, and Leilani.

As they walked through the massive crowd, Dae couldn't help but laugh at how Leilani mimicked Nat's enthusiasm, with a worried Nik following after her like a doting mother. He leaned down to speak into Evan's ear, "Looks like they're getting along swimmingly."

Evan glanced at the group, laughing at the sight before going up onto his tiptoes to reach Dae's ear. "She comes off as a lot, but Nat is just as great as Nik. I think she can help Leilani forget about a certain asshole."

Dae nods, ignoring the warmth in his cheeks from Evan's breath on his ear, but before he could respond, Nat's voice boomed out over the crowd. "Where for art thou, my sweet little Evander?!"

The redhead's attention snapped in Nat's direction, an embarrassed flush on his cheeks. Dae glanced over to see Nik shaking his head while his sister doubled over in laughter. "C'mon, Nat. Really? You know he hates being called that."

"Evander?" Dae whispered in the redhead's ear earning the full weight of Evan's agitated stare. He quickly squeezed Evan's hand and offered a small smile, "For what it's worth...I think it's beautiful."

Evan's cheeks flushed again, but he shook his head furiously. "I appreciate that. But please, don't ever call me that again...It's like a twisted pet name that my parents used to show me off to their hoity-toity friends. They refused to see me as...just Evan."

As he tried to take in Evan's words, Dae's own cheeks caught on fire as Leilani's voice filled the air, "What a coincidence! Dae hates being called Amadeus, so it's another reason they're kinda perfect for each other."

Dae fixed a stern glance at Leilani as he and Evan slowly closed the distance between them. In response Leilani offered her middle fingers, waving them around carelessly in front of him. This action--a staple in their friendship--seemed to catch the attention of a group of police that had been scowling from the moment they'd arrived. And, honestly, probably from the moment they got assigned to this rally.

One of the officers whispered something to his coworker and then headed in the direction of his group. Dae knew that Evan could feel how much he tensed up as the cop approached, his sights set on Leilani. Stopping in front of the group, the cop spoke coldly. "Ma'am. I'm gonna need you to come with me."

Leilani laughed an uneasy chuckle. "Mind telling me what for?"

"I don't have to disclose that-"

"Oh, not at chance in hell!" Nat said pulling Leilani behind the wall that was herself and an equally protective Nik.

"This is bullshit," Evan said, letting go of Dae's hand to step up as well.


Sitting in the bare cell, Dae was surprised that Nik was the most nervous of the boys. As the tall blond paced the holding cell, earning looks from other occupants, Evan cleared his throat gently. When Nik glanced in his direction, Evan responded in a soft but firm tone. "She'll be okay, Nik. I promise."

Nik surprisingly blushed and offers a half-smile before pacing again. Dae took hold of Evan's hand, aware of the pointed stares as soon as he did it. "He's really worried about Nat, huh?"

To Dae's surprise, Evan laughed and shook his head. Fighting through his embarrassment, he cocked his head at the redhead. "What?"

Evan squeezed Dae's hand and smiled wider, "Sorry. It's just...He knows Nat can take care of herself. She does this all the time. He's worried about the other one."

Evan offers a sly wink before Dae's view is blocked by six feet of attractive, built, blond man plopping onto the redhead's lap. All but melting into his best friend's embrace, Nik sighed loudly. "Ev, I'm pretty much freaking out."

"I know." Evan shook his head, smiling at Dae over Nik's shoulder. "I gathered that from the pacing."

Dae spoke softly, placing his free hand on Nik's other shoulder, adding to the weird tangle these three boys now found themselves in. "You know...Leilani is tough. She'd be okay even if she was by herself...but she's got Nat with her so-"

"That's what worries me, Dae! Who knows what shit Lei is getting into because of Natalia!" But Nik squeezed Dae's hand in unspoken gratitude.

"Language, Nikolai Orlov-Fasil!"

Nik's cheeks went bright red as a gorgeous blonde woman walked up to the cell, followed by a shy man of Middle Eastern descent. The woman seemed like she would scold Nik more before the guy seemed to notice Evan in the cell too. He spoke in a warm voice to the woman, "Tatli...I think they've learned their lesson. Let us not scar dear Evan with a screaming match tonight. I imagine this was scary enough."

"Wow, baba." Nik smiled at his father warmly, "It almost sounds like you like Evan more than us. You know, your own kids?"

"Definitely." The man now identified as the twins' dad winked at him, and the blonde woman's tough exterior melted away.

"You're right, love." She held out her hand to him and he grabbed it gently, "Besides if what our children told us was true. Then instead of punishing our children, I'll make sure this police force should look into corrupt cops."

As she loudly spoke the last sentence, she made sure to make eye contact with the cop who wrongfully arrested them while he was being led into the captain's office.

Another, more sheepish cop approached the cell and let Evan and Nik out while Dae hesitated. Unsure of if he should call his father, his thoughts were interrupted. Suddenly, he was caught in Nik's dad's piercing green eyes, as the man motioned for him to follow. "You too, son."

"But...the bail..?" Dae started tripping over his words as Nik and Evan pulled him out of the cell.

"It's taken care of, sweetie." Nik's mom spoke with a wave of her hand, but with warmth in her voice.

A gentle hand clasped his shoulder and he turned to see those green eyes again. "We're able to afford it for any friend of our children. Please, don't worry about it; it was our pleasure. Also, I'm Emin Orlov-Fasil, Nik and Nat's biological dad and a spiritual one to Evan."

Evan laughs and nudges Emin's shoulder. "The best dad I've ever had."

Emin smiles sadly at Evan as he's pulled away to catch up by the twins' mom. "And that beauty is Taisiya Orlov--model, actress, socialite, and the love of my life."

Dae can't help but smile at the warmth behind Emin's words as he speaks about his wife, his thoughts start to drift back to his own parents before he is interrupted by Emin speaking again. "You're...Dae right?"

"Yes...that's me."

"How about you guys come back to our house and have dinner...? I'd love to know more about you and Evan?"