Listening to the words that played out from Salis's mouth, Leticia can't help but think about Hazel.

It seems that the poor maid got stabbed by an arrow. And startled by the pain, she got off-balance on top of the coaching box and as a result, she was thrown while the horses were still running.

Of course, Leticia knew about that since she was there and the memory was still fresh.

But what's worse was that Hazel landed unfortunately on the stony path and hit her head on one of the rocks.

She died instantly.

Leticia didn't know how to act when she learned about it yesterday the moment that she woke up.

She could only cry and cry as she felt bad and sad about the life that suddenly vanished like that.

The first maid that helped Leticia adjust in the Duchy, her name was Hazel.

The maid always cheered her up whenever she got tired of the unending lesson.