Leticia was looking outside the window, dazed. It's been a week since it happened.

A week that she's been looking outside like a soulless person. A week seeing the day and night shift without restraint. A week of having self-reflection and self-interrogation.


She took a deep sigh. So deep that she needed to hold her breath along with her thoughts. Leticia slowly released the tightening in her chest with a simple inhale-exhale exercise that she thought would help her however, even though she did it so many times, the heavy feeling was still there. It didn't lessen at all!

So she sighs again. She sighed and sighs. 

Leticia couldn't even count how many deep breaths she had taken in a week.

Also, because she's been tied up in the bed and couldn't move around as much as she wanted. She had more time to think about things. As the injury in her body prevented her from moving around, her room became suffocating for her.