"You're going to abandon me again, don't you?!"

Leticia's smile vanished the second that she saw Anton's eyes. It was full of hatred that she didn't know where it came from.


The leaves of the plants started to gently sway even though no breeze past her skin. Leticia started to look around.

Then, she focused her attention on Anton.

"What do you mean, I'm abandoning you? If you don't want to stay here then you could come with me, you know. What do you think, Anton?"

Leticia smiled again. She thought that Anton might have misunderstood her words. So, she repeated them.

"Come with me to the North, okay?"

Suddenly, Anton gets a little pot from the aligned ones on the floor which was used for newly planted carnations.

And crash! them to the ground.

"No! You're going to abandon me again! You're doing it again!"

Suddenly, Anton was throwing tantrums and started to take pots and thrash them to the ground.