Leticia immediately opened the letter and read them.


She instantly had a perplexed expression pasted on her face.

Hans became curious.

"Did something happen?"

Leticia glanced at the butler, "It's from Bishop William, he said he learned something about my eyes. And if I want to know then I should visit him at the Central Church."

"What should I do?" Leticia mumbled.

Hans suddenly answered. "Milady, that letter might be a confirmation but not really a clue."

"Do you mean he's testing the waters?"

"That's correct, Milady."

"It seems he didn't buy what Sir Austin and Mother said." 

"Yes, it seems so."

Hans almost clicked his tongue then he became curious as to what the Lady will do.

"Will you attend it?"

"If this is a confirmation of what he saw when he used his divine mana on me then I should feign ignorance for a while, right?"

Leticia smiled as he glanced up at Hands.