"What the hell is this? I didn't understand a thing."

Leticia was baffled by the contents that were written on the middle page of the book. Of course, she knew it was better to read at the start but thinking that she would get some spoilers about the story, she thought it was okay to read it again. This time, with her full attention.

She read it aloud, "The forgotten history will once again happen in the future… Cool! There's a backstory?"

Leticia thought about the genre of the book. "Is this romance? Or adventure? Well, I doubt that Hans will give Anton some romance so, I guess this is an adventure novel book. It's not my cup of tea but… guess I'll read it for a while until Anton wakes up."

She points her finger towards the section of the page where she stops reading. 

Leticia then sat beside the window as she crossed her leg and relaxed her muscles, leaning her body against the chair.