
"That is a bit of a secret. Isn't it Deku?" I said.

Deku nodded in agreement.

"But, if you ask around in the teacher's office, you'll find out easy enough." I said, smiling confidently.

The students looked at me questioningly as I added.

"Don't look at me. He hasn't even told me. As I said. Important secrets. Go ask in the office if you want to know. My opinion though," I said, putting up a hand and whispering, "he's probably a late bloomer."

Understanding nods were seen throughout but some people still looked like they would go and ask in the office.

"We'll see. Now about you, Bakugo. Why did you attack Shikimori?" Aizawa-sensei asked again.

"He attacked me first!" Bakugo complained.

"No I did not. Don't lie Bakugo. It's not a good look on you." I said.

"Did anyone see Shikimori attack Bakugo?" Aizawa-sensei asked.


"Nah. Bakugo just wend mad all of a sudden."

"Not at all." Came the answers.

"But..but....he must have been preparing to! That's why! This bastard always did it. I know he did!" Bakugo screamed.

"He did what Bakugo?" Kaminari asked.

"He..he..wedgied me! Every day since he transferred to my school! Two whole years!" Bakugo answered, shaking with barely contained anger.

"Oh really?" I said, "And why would I ever do that?"

"Why you! You- you! You know why!" He said, clearly knowing that if he told them he'd be the bad guy in this scenario. Not that he wouldn't otherwise.

"Yeah. But I want to hear it from you." I said coldly.

The class noticing my drop in attitude, prodded him further.

"Bakugo-kun? What did you do?" Uraraka asked.

"Yeah. It seems like serious stuff." Kaminari added.

"Want me to tell them or will you?" I gave him the final warning.

"Do what you want bastard!" He spat out.

"Fine then. You guys wanna know what he did? He.." I said when Deku interjected.

"Let me speak for myself, Haru-chan." He pleaded.

"Sure. Go ahead."

"Kacchan used to be my best friend. Until the age of 4, we used to play together, eat together, even bathe together. Then, when Kacchan's quirk manifested and everybody started praising him, it hot to his head. He began to think that he was superior to everyone. That everyone else was an extra in his life story. That he was destined to be the best of the best. And when I didn't get a quirk, he saw me as worthless. He said that I would never be a hero. For 8 years straight he bullied me. Threw out my lunch. Burnt my homework. Pushed me off stairs. That's why he calls me Deku. It means worthless." Deku said.

"And the school did nothing. Because Kacchan was the star student with the great quirk. He was sure to get into UA and become a pro hero. So they turned a blind eye to the bullying and even helped him hide evidence. I was malnourished, traumatized and nearly dead by the time Haru-chan came to my school."

Deku was shaking as he spoke, "When he first saw me, he didn't hate me or look down on me because of my quirklessness. He even stopped Kacchan from bullying me.

He told me that my Deku didn't mean useless. He said it meant Ganbaretteku! That I can do it! He told me I could become a hero. Even without my quirk. Even All Might and my own mother didn't believe in me. They told me it was impossible to be a hero without a quirk. But not Haru-chan. He said he'd help make me a hero. And help he did. For the past two years, he helped me train to the point where I could go tow to toe with Kacchan. I even beat Kacchan once." Deku said, tears of rage flowing from him, "What Kacchan had torn me down to, beaten me into, Haru-chan chan fixed. He told me, for the first time in my life that I wasn't worthless."

Wiping his tears, he continued, his vooce hoarse, "And then one day, Kacchan burnt my notes again and threw them out the window. Kacchan said that I should kill myself and pray that I was born again with a quirk like his. He said that he'd kill me himself if I dared to show up to the UA exams. That's when Haru-chan got mad. I'd never seen him get mad at anyone for anything ever before but that day and evry day since, Haru-chan was mad at Kacchan. Every day, he would freeze Kacchan in place and give him a brutal wedgie in front of the whole class. That's why Kacchan is afraid of Haru-chan. That's why he attacked him." He ended.

"That's..horrible. Did you try reporting this to the police?" Uraraka asked.

"Yes. But the school said I was lying and protected Kacchan. That's when I gave up. That is until, you know.." he said, gesturing with his hands.

"So that's it then. That's the whole problem? Any more impassioned speeches left or should we continue the test now?" Aizawa-sensei snarked.

"Nah. That's about it." I said casually.

"Then get back to the tests. We don't have all day. And Bakugo? Meet me in the teacher's office after school. We need to talk." He said threateningly.

The rest of the tests went as expected. Somehow, Momo ranked first just like in canon. How in the actual fuck did that happen? That's like..fuck. She didn't come first in any of the individual tests. But overall her score tallied up to give her a solid edge above everyone else.

That's some anime logic bullshit right there!

Ultimately, the day ended without anyone getting expelled, not even last place Mineta.

And that in my opinion was the real tragedy of the day.

The class was too overwhelmed by the day's revelations that no one even protested the unreasonableness of the test conditions, and this being a sunday meant for orientation, everyone left for home soon after, their own separate ways.