Raid on the Shie Hasseikai.

The next morning at 8:30 am, sharp, we stood outside the Shie Hasseikai base, encircling it.

"Everyone's here?" Detective Tsukauchi asked, accounting the numbers.

"Good. We begin in three minutes. Get ready." He said, moving towards the door.

Ringing the doorbell, he picked up his megaphone and announced.

"Shie Hasseikai! You're surrounded. Surrender peacefully and we'll reduce your charges. Fight back and you'll get the harshest sentence possible. You have 3 minutes to exit the complex, hands up and unarmed. Resistance is futile, so make both of our jobs easier and give up."

"Oh we'll give up alright! Give up your lives to the code, bitches!"

A yakuza member shouted from within as the door to the compound exploded, shrapnel flying everywhere, as a giant of a man came barreling through.

Immediately, I seized him in my bonds and immobilized him.

Next, moving into full view of the door, I projected my eyes across the building, binding every Yakuza member within seconds.

I turned to Rocklock and smirked.

"See? Not a single foot in the door."

"Jackass!" Rocklock said, shaking his head.

"Now, detective Tsukauchi, if you would use the tranquilizers on them, that'd be great. I can't hold them for long. Just about twenty or so minutes at most. So if you could get moving..."

"Yes. At once." He signalled the snipers to follow as the heroes and the police entered, followed shortly by the snipers who came down from their perches on nearby buildings.

Within minutes the operation was over, Rappa was in custody, Joi Irinaka was tranquilized and dug out of the wall he had merged with in a desperate attempt at opposition.

The hardest to get, though were Sakaki and the barrier monk, Sakaki because he destabilized anyone that came near, and the barrier monk for obvious reasons.

They were only captured later, with Aizawa-sensei erasing their quirks.

Overhaul struggled in futility, even as his recently healed wounds flared up, limiting his movements, leading to a smooth capture.

All in all, like every other event, when it came to my powers, the results were anticlimatic at best.

What was more interesting was him struggling when he saw me, recognizing me from the other night, shouting threats at me.

"You! It's you! This is all your fault, even th- Yaaaargh! No! What did you d- Aaaaaagh! You! I'll kill you! I'll kill you family! I'll destroy everything you ever loved, you monster! I was so close to achieving my dream, but you had to ruin it! I'll ki- ummmmfmmfmumams"

The police placed a muzzle on him and stuffed his mouth, like a dog, to stop him from screaming.

As for why no one realized anything about my attacks from his threats?

That'd be the geas at work.

That night as I left, wiping his memory of Eri, I also added a geas in his mind that stopped him from ever mentioning my actions from that night or anything related to it at the cost of nerve wrecking, blood curdling pain.

That was enough of an incentive for him to shut up about it. Not enough to not threaten me though, of course.

And for all that the heroes knew, he was mad at me for my actions in dismantling his organization in today's raid.

"Sorry about that. And don't worry about his threats. Once he's tried for his crimes, he's almost certain to face life in prison." Detective Tsukauchi assured.

"Why's that?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"We found a dungeon in the compound, and bloody clothes belonging to a little girl, maybe 6 years old." Tsukauchi said.

"It was a horrible sight. Don't know what he did to the kid, but she's nowhere to be found. Likely ...likely dead. Or worse. He won't get away with it. I'll make sure of it." Rocklock said, clenching his fist.

"If only we'd done this earlier! If only we hadn't waited this long. If we'd raided them right when you gave us the whereabouts..." Mirio said, shaking.

"It's not your fault, Mirio. Don't blame yourself over it." Sir Nighteye said.

"The blood was still fresh. It couldn't have been three days, maybe four since....since.." he said.

"I know. But sometimes that is the price you have to pay for doing things the right way. You can't save everyone, Mirio-senpai." I comforted him, subtly planting the idea of a gray and gray world in his psyche.

Being a paragon hero wasn't easy. But more than that, it was incompatible with my plans for the future. And so, Mirio must change to my specifications. If not by words, then by force.

And so ended the raid on Shie Hasseikai, a while five months in advance of canon and without the joint effort of a countrywide selction of heroes, elevating me higher in the public's view as coverage of the raid exploded across the nation.

Thankfully, Chisaki was also the sort of man who never kept clear records or photos of Eri around, and the ones he had, were destroyed by me that night.

No one would be coming for Eri. Neither from the official nor from the underground channels.

And with that, another part of my plan was complete, with all of their blood samples already integrated into Haruto three days prior, after my first raid of their base.

Now only five groups of interest remains. AFO, HPSC, the Metahuman Liberation Front, Quirk Supremacists, and the United World Federation.

Of course, Stain, now free was also a massive force of nature, inspiring similar vigilantism across the world with his new series of videos.

But all would be dealt with, in due time.