Back to school.

Once the internship ended, I returned to school only to be greeted with cheers.

"We saw your rescue in Hosu! That was awesome!" Kaminari said, excitedly.

"Why do you get to have such exciting adventures!? While I had to slave away at my internship?!" Mineta bit his shirt between his teeth, looking on jealousy.

"That's because you just have less value, Mineta." I said, "Though in all honesty, it's probably because you picked Mt.Lady. She's known to be a lazy curmudgeon. Didn't you do the slightest bit of research when choosing a mentor?"

"No! Why would I?" Mineta asked.

"See, that's the problen with you." I replied.

"Yeah, I don't think that's the only problem with him." Mina snarked.

"I suppose. But I can see Mineta becoming a top 100 hero if he works hard." I said.

"Not a top 10?" Kirishima asked.

"Nah! He doesn't have the drive. I could have become the rank 9 hero with his quirk but Mineta, well...."

"Yeah, I get it." Mineta said, resignedly.

"Don't look so down. Top 100 ain't bad. There are over 6000 heroes in japan itself. Top 100 is phenomenal." I assured.

"You sure look on the bright side of stuff, don't you?" Mina said.

"Heh!" Deku snorted.

"Really, Deku?" I asked.

"What? Your actual worldview is so much darker, it's funny." Deku said, mimicing a bad Yoda accent, "Hope leads to disappointment, disappointment leads to despair and despair leads to desperation and desperation to the dark side leads."

"Oh come on Deku, I didn't say it like that." I protested.

"No. You literally said it exactly like that." He said, chuckling, "I think I even have a recording of it somewhere."

"Really? You gotta show us!" Sero teased.

"Deku! Don't." I warned.

"Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry about it, Haru-chan!" Deku said.

As he said that, the door slid open, and Iida stormed in, walking right up to me.

Iida bowed an impressive 90 degrees and shouted,

"I'm sorry, Haru-san. Thank you for saving my brother."

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." I said.

"No! It's not something I can't worry about. That person you hired to heal my brother, he mentioned some sort of debt, a favor of sorts. He was from the underworld wasn't he? And now you owe him a favor? Please let me help you when that time comes. Anything I can do to help ease your burden, Haru-san, I will." Iida said, grabbing my hands.

"As I said Iida, don't mention it. It's nothing you have to worry about. It was a choice I made. I'll pay for it, myself." I said, feigning humility.

"No! After I said all those things to you, blamed you, unjustly, still went and sacrificed yourself for me! ...Haru-san, how can I just let that go?!" Iida said, tearing up in gratitude.

I placed a hand on Iida's shoulder and comforted him.

"Iida, it's not your fault. I did this because you're my friend, not because I wanted a favor from you or anything. Take it as a gift, okay? And just let it go."

"I .... if you say so. But if you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask!" Iida said.

I raised a hand and slapped him right across his face.

"Ow! What.. what was that for?" He asked.

"For treating me like a stranger. You're my friend. Friends help each other out, don't they? Or do you let your friends suffer silently, Iida?" I asked.

"No, I would never-" he said, as I interjected.

"Then don't insult me by using words like favor and sacrifice and what not. I did what any friend would do. Let's leave it at that, shall we?" I said.

Iida nodded tearfully, and walked over to his seat in contemplation.

"So manly!" Kirishima muttered behind me.

"How much did you even do in one week?" Sato asked.

"Yeah! You were in Hosu one day, then raiding the yakuza another day. And now apparently making underworld deals to help Iida. In my internship, all I did was patrol, patrol and patrol some more." Sero complained.

"Now that you mention it, I just picked up trash and patrolled with fourth kind. And I made tea. A lot of tea!" Kirishima said.

"A lot. It's been a long week." I said, acting tired.

Suddenly, the door slammed open again, as Shinso stomped in.

"Will everyone stop slamming the damn door?! It's going to break one of these days!" I shouted at him.

Shinso was startled for a bit, before he gingerly, slid the door back closed, before stomping back over to me.

"What is the meaning of this?" He said, slamming a paper on my desk.

"What?" I asked.

"This!" He said, shoving it in my face.

"I don't think you should crumple your class transfer notice like that. It's a useful document, you know?" I said, avoiding the topic.

"Do you think I'm dumb? They showed me the letter. Your letter. You petitioned the entire faculty, including the principal, to have me transferred here!

Do you think I'm so pathetic that I'd need your help to get into the hero course?" He asked.

"No, Shinso. I think you have a great quirk and deserve to be in the hero course, and that whoever designed the entrance exam was an idiot who couldn't see the potential in quirks like yours. You'll make a great hero, Shinso! And I couldn't let the idiots who allowed that stupid entrance exam to sieve out great talents like you, to decide whether you should be a part of the hero course or not!" I explained.

"Wha-, why would you do that for me? Didn't you call me an idiot in front of the whole school? Don't you hate me for trying to mind control you? Or the sport's festival? Who do you think you are?" He shouted in exasperation.

"I called you an idiot because you were acting like an idiot! And you couldn't mind control me if I was asleep, dumbass.

Besides, do I need a reason to help someone?" I asked.

"You- what?" He asked.

"What?" I responded.

"It's always that sappy bullcrap with you, isn't it?" Shinso said, wiping a happy tear from his eye.

"What can I say, I am a sappy sap!" I joked.

"Ugh!" He groaned in annoyance, rolling his eyes.

"It's almost time for class, so why don't you make like a tree, and leave?" I said, pointing at the door.

"You're still joking about this? Asshole!" He punched my shoulder, and made to leave.

As he reached the door, he turned around, eyes looking away.

"I won't say this again, but, thank you."

He said and ran out of the class.

"What a tsundere!" I commented, only to be smacked by Deku.

"Ow! What's up with everyone being violent today?" I cried out.

"You need to learn to take a compliment sometimes, Haru-chan!" He said, as the rest of the students chuckled understandingly.