In gym gamma, as the others prepared a plan against me, I walked over to Sero.
"Sero!" I said, turning around to with my hands held back in attention, "Mind tying them up?"
"Wait, you're serious about that? I thought it was a joke!" Sero exclaimed.
"What can I say, I'm a man of my word!" I replied, grinning.
"So astute and principled. That is manly as fuck!" Kirishima cried.
"If you insist?!" Sero answered, confused and tied my hands with his tape.
With that I walked over to the others.
"You guys done scheming? If so, let's get on with it!" I asked.
"Yeah, sure Haru-chan. Let's go." Deku replied.
"You're gonna lose, idiot!" Bakugo said.
"You shouldn't be so arrogant, Haru-san!" Iida added.
"Yes! You'll regret it later, Haru!" Mina commented.
"Yeah, yeah. We'll see about that." I said, goading them on.
"Wait!" Tokoyami shouted suddenly, running up to the group.
"I wanna join too!" He said.
"Eh? It's too late for that though. I'm sure they've already planned around their numbers, right Deku?" I interjected.
Deku looked at him, and thought for a moment.
"We could use some more muscle.
Fine, come along. But do as I say, alright?" Deku warned.
"Yes." Tokoyami replied, before glaring at me.
"What? Are you still mad about the sports festival?" I asked.
"" He answered.
"You are! Damnit Tokoyami, learn to get over it." I said.
"I'll get over it when I beat you!" He replied.
"What's this about the sports festival?" Nejire asked, ever half-assedly curious.
"....nothing." Tokoyami answered, blushing.
Ooh! Someone has a crush!
That's an exploitable weakness!
Tokoyami can be so dumb sometimes, jeez.
The others took a position opposite me, as Aizawa-sensei rang the whistle.
Instantly, Shoto turned the gym into Antarctica, as jagged ice walls covered the entirety of the walls, floor and ceiling.
A spout of flame tunneled out of a tiny palm sized cavern system in the ice cliff, peppering me from all around.
In response, I turned the ice sheer into an eldritch masterpiece, with eyes in, on and above every visible inch of it, before jumping into the air and climbing through, narrowly avoiding a hit from Mirio.
He wasn't so lucky, and got a kick straight to his solar plexus, before being immediately immobilized mid air, butt naked.
Behind me, Iida zoomed up the wall, his recipro burst cranking and melting the ice, simultaneously cooling his exhausts, as his feet sunk into the cliff, leaving deep imprints.
He spun in air, just as a wall of ice below me to the right exploded into fine mist, clouding my vision, and cracking sounds rang out to my left.
A three pronged attack, huh?
Iida from up and behind, Bakugo from below and right, under cover of fog, and Deku from out of left field.
Heh, not gonna happen!
I froze Iida's leg mid kick, giving him a cramp, as he fell to the ground before once more being immobilized.
Next, I activated remote control and ripped out sheet after sheet of sleet, shoving it into Bakugo's path, tripping him and collapsing Deku's footing, just as he eclipsed the cliff peak, leaving him to tumble to the ground.
Except, he didn't.
A black mass grabbed him and Deku relaunched himself with Dark Shadow as stabler footing.
Just as I moved to immobilize Deku, a web of flame burst forth, blinding me.
I instantly undid the binding on my feet, falling freely to the ground, as Deku whizzed past me, the wind pressure itself so strong, it'd give an ordinary man a nosebleed.
Fuck! Are you trying to kill me Deku?
Even as I clad myself in remote control and climbed through the air again, I noticed a polka dotted landscape appear before me, beneath the rapidly dissipating flame web.
From a small, hidey hole by the edge of the gym, a purple blur shot forward, jumping across the purple balls, gaining speed, before it suddenly turned with an awkward jerk, bouncing off of a cluster of balls on a familiar dark mass.
From behind it, tentacles erupted in masses, only to be stopped before they reached me.
Was he sticking behind the giant hand made of Dark Shadow?
No matter. I projected an eye onto the tentacles, racing my projections down it's length, immobilizing him.
Just for good measure though, I also immobilized Dark Shadow.
Though, it was a fresh and exciting experience for me.
Using Dark Shadow primarily as a mobile foothold for unorthodox guerilla tactics?
How unique! And genius!
Deku has been improving, even without me noticing it.
Daddy's proud, I thought, wiping an imaginary tear off my eyes.
Back at the gym, Mineta barreled towards me with his top speed, which was leagues slower than Deku's, but impressive regardless for someone like him who was widely known as just the token anime pervert.
I turned, and sidestepped before dropping to the ground, as he smashed face first into the wall, barely hanging on with his purple balls, heavily concussed.
"Why?!" He cried.
Hehehe, that's the joy of mastering 3 dimensional combat!
"You want training from me? You gotta earn it, Mineta!" I replied, when a sudden headache and nausea hit me.
Then I spotted them. Jiro's earphone jacks emitting a copy of Gang Orca's ultrasonic scream.
Fucking Deku and his fucking plans!
I ripped off chunks of ice off the wall, stuck them onto Jiro's, jacks, shutting her up, before projecting an eye across the wall she was using as cover, immobilizing her too.
Finally, with Deku, Bakugo, Mirio, Iida, Dark Shadow, Jiro and Suneater immobilized, and Mineta lying unconcious on the floor in his own drool, it finally forced the big hitters to go on the offensive.
Spikes of ice shot forward, followed by plumes of flame, in alternating patterns, pushing me back, when a shockwave hit me square in the chest, nearly breaking my ankles.
"Ghah!" I cried, spitting out a glob of blood and pulling myself up with a jerk and a swing, before using remote control to course correct into their blindspot, even as Shoto continued his pattern of fire and ice.
By now there, there was more ice than gym, with huge holes poking through the walls.
Well then, no more Mr. Nice Guy.
I dropped to the floor behind an ice sheer, and reinforced my remote control.
Crouching low, I burst forth through the ice, breaking a tunnel into it with my kicks, before I saw their vague forms on the other end of the wall.
Now, I could have gone through straight and hit them headfirst.
But where's the fun in that?
Besides, Deku probably planned for that eventuality and I'm not playing into his hand.
Instead, I busted out of an adjacent wall, blindsiding them.
"Watch out he's th-" Shoto shouted in warning, before I bashed their heads into the ice wall, knocking them out with a double flying kick, like one of those taekwondo vids on youtube.
With that, Aizawa-sensei rang the whistle, ending the match in my victory.
Post recovery, as we covered the strengths and weaknesses of their tactics in Aizawa-sensei's impromptu hero battle training lecture, Mineta sat in the corner, downcast and gloomy.
And once the lecture ended, Mineta made to skulk away in shame, only to be grabbed by the shoulder.
He turned to see me looking down at him with a smile.
"Where are you going? We have training to do, don't we?" I said, griining.
"B-but I lost the bet. I didn't land a single hit on you!" Mineta said, tears in his eyes.
I knelt down to his level, grabbed his hand and smacked myself in the face.
"No. You just did." I replied.
"You..." he sniffled, "Why...would you..."
"Because I see potential in you. The potential to be a great hero. And besides, how many times do I have to tell you?
I don't need a reason to help someone. Why? Because it's the right thing to do!
Isn't it buddy?" I answered, as Mineta bawled his eyes out.
"You're damn right, you brats!" Aizawa-sensei said behind us, boasting a rare, mad smile.
Damn right, huh? Looks like my personality has been rubbing off on someone.
In a corner, Tamaki and Deku stood leaning against the wall as Shoto undid his mini ice age.
"So he's your sun, isn't he? Just like Mirio is for me!" Tamaki said.
"Yup. He's been my sun and my stars for a long while now. And one day, the whole world will see him the way I do. I'll make sure of it!" Deku replied, proudly.