The Mysterious Lady Sylvia

Lady Sylvia and Shivam both appear in the middle of a very vast forest, This forest was surrounded by densely big Trees, They were giving kind of an unusual aura. Shivam become confused when he suddenly appear here in a blink of an eye, a moment before they were standing in front of the blood pool and the next moment they arrived here, he looked towards the lady Sylvia to get Some answers, like what the hell is going on here and why suddenly she bring him here without telling him anything.

"umm... Lady Sylvia, what are we doing here, where we are currently"he asked her Directly because he need to know what was she up to.

"We are in Forest of Beginning, This is The place which existed to the parallel of the Ruins, no one allowed to enter here expect some high sprits" She responded to his query With a smile on her face. he asked her.

"Then why did you bring me here all of the sudden, is there any good reason to bring me to this kind of secret place, which was reserved for high-level spirit," he asked while looking towards lady Sylvia.

"you don't want to know why this place is called the forest of the beginning" She looked towards him saying those words while directly looking into his red fiery eyes. Seeing her deep gaze, he felt his heart skipped for a moment.

"I want to know, please tell me Why this forest is called " The forest of the beginning" he mumbled in a timid low voice. Seeing the relentless side of him Raphael was giggling. "Shut up Raphael be quiet for a moment, we are having an important discussion, you can laugh at me later as much as you want" he scolded Raphael, raphael took a moment then she replied"You meanie".

He Sights and looks toward Lady Sylvia. she chuckled and nodded her head.

"Well then follow me, it will take few minutes to reach there," She said while flying towards the particular direction with a lightning-fast speed. he was also following her with the same speed.

A few minutes later they both were standing in front of the Giant Altar, That altar was very big like a football ground. and radiating the mysterious aura which was making him uncomfortable.

He was in awe while watching the big altar Surrounded By The fountain and beautiful greenery,Three Statues were facing The altar while Holding The swords in their hands Like they are here for protecting something. they are looking very similar to him because their size was identical to those earthling statues.

"What do you think, isn't it fascinating" Sylvia Interrupted him, and he come back to his senses again and then he looked towards Sylvia.

"May I ask you what is this place, It's kind of giving me dangerous Vibes" he replied to her while looking at those Giant statues. Sylvia smiled hearing Those words From his mouth. She shook her head and again continued her explanation.

"This place Is very special for sprits and very dear to me, The First Awaken Spirit Lady Ifrit Made This place in The memoir of Ruins in millions of years ago, She archives The Greater Power in this world, She was the one of those being who stood of the peak of the world, but alas One day she disappeared like a Ghost that no one knows about where she went and what happened to Her" Sylvia hold her breath for the moment and looked towards him With Sad Face, he can see the pain in her voice, sadness in her eyes, Those eyes wanted to say more to him but hesitant to tell me.

"You mean Millions of years passed but this place is looking in very good condition, Did you guys not tried to find her," he asked her, Without thinking.

"What did you think, we tried very hard but in the end, we failed after lady ifrit leaves this place, The spirit race becomes the jokes for those power-hungry beings, our kind massacre ruthlessly by various kind, and things were not easy for us until now, we are just barely keeping up" She replied to him with a cold yet sad voice. he felt that he didn't have to say those words to her.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings lady Sylvia" hearing those words she shook her head"It's not Your fault, I am sorry I overreacted" She replied to him while arranging her black hair behind the ear, they were blowing by the wind. she looked towards him and she noticed his gaze.

"What do you want to achieve in your life, what is your goal from now on," She asked him in the hope to get an answer, he became confused, why she asked him this kind of question all of the sudden.

"I want to Gain human Form" was his simple answer, her serious face suddenly blooms from the laughter, She laughed at his words as hard as she can, she scratches her head, as something very big lifted from her heart. she looked towards him, he kind of feel awkward because his size was not kind of identical to her, he was looking very fierce, big giant chaos dragon, with the having of Title [The World Eater],

"You are surely something else, I didn't expect that answer From you, But it makes me feel happy That you said That, but why did you want to gain human form, you eventually get that easily at your level when you Reached Elementary spirit Realm, why don't seek other things, like power, wealth, fame, and any Others things," Lady Sylvia Asked with pondering expressions.

"I don't know but I felt that gaining the human form is my priority for now and other things came later, you know what after awakening, I have gained the ability to talk, it makes me happy and I am no longer feel that loneliness being alone, thinking about that I am just a close to a step Gain what I wanted it makes me wonder I am dreaming or not" he responded to her, Hearing those words from this dragon she closed her eyes for a moment " To be able to not feel Loneliness huh" She mumbled in a low calm voice.

but he heard her whispered and wonder what makes her so restless, There were many things he wanted to ask her regarding what to do next and what not to do. but alas he waited for her to give the answer. he wanted to hear something more, She is the one Who came first to him when he existed from the blood pool.

" I want you to Complete The Trial Which was left behind by the lady that's, That's why I bring you here with me" She suddenly said breaking her long silence. Hearing her sudden words caught him off guard, and he was like what the hell is this all about, what's going on here. But suddenly, Raphael gave him a surprise.


[Hidden Quest Triggered, The one who Inherit The blessing of Goddess]

[Complete The Trial To Directly Advanced In The cultivation Body awakening realm]

[The Quest Reward Will be given According to the results of The Trial]

"What the hell is happening here, Direct Advancement is There Someone Helping me From the Heaven," various though started to appear in his mind within a second. And he look towards Lady Sylvia, she was waiting for his answer.