The Unknown Organisations part 1

"So she is not in her manstartedsion" Shivam mumbled as he looked at two guards who were standing in front of him.

"Yes sir, Master Sylvia is not in her mansion, she is not returned, we saw lady Sylvia last time with you leaving this place" one of the guards looked towards the handsome young man in front of his sight and responded Shivam with a calm voice.

Hearing those words Shivam nodded his head in response"Thank you for your kind help" He responded to those guards who were standing in front of his sight.

Shivam took a deep breath and took a flight towards the sky leaving that place. When He leaves those two guards started gossiping about him.

"Who is that guy, I saw any man approaching this place along with master Sylvia, what is his relationship with master" one of the guards looked towards another guard who was standing beside him.