The true face

"We are about to reach ruins of memoir, I wonder how will evangel react seeing his big brother again" Shivam mumbled and fasten his pace towards the north where the ruin of memoir exist, he was flying around for few hours towards the direction of north, his unbound black long hair was flowing in the wind as he flying, while his deep blue eyes were glowing in the excitement because he was about to reach his destination soon.

"Sigh you are impossible, you are becoming human day by day, not your appearance but you are getting emotionally weak," Raphael said in the cold voice as she was worried about something, meanwhile hearing Raphael's words he was taken aback, he knows that he is beast and this appearance of his just a decoy he is not human anymore, but still Raphael's words leave a deep impact on him because she doesn't know about that he was the human in his past life.