Finding shivam

"My lady we have news for you" woman made her way inside Nataliya's room in a hurry and said those words.

"What happened why are you looking so inpatient, is everything alright?"Nataliya raised her eyebrows as she looked at the woman who had just entered inside her room, she was one of her loyal servants that look over the city and gather intel for the silver dragon princess.

"It's about the wolf clan, they are up to something," she said with a dark expression, hearing her words Nataliya took a deep sigh.

"Dont talk to me in Riddel just tell me what kind of trouble they caused this time, those bastards are barbaric and always causing trouble for us but alas because they are allied sector we always ignore their rudeness, tell me what happened this time Krista"Nataliya looked the lady in black attire and asked in a serious tone, hearing those words Krista took a deep sigh and looked Nataliya with a serious expression.