
Meredith showed Jordan into her apartment with a giggle. She had promised to show him her origami collection since he showed her his photography. He had phrased it: "I show you mine so you have to show me yours."

"I don't know how my cat Dino will take to you but it seems like he is giving us some privacy. Not many places to hide in this small apartment but leave it to a cat to find a place to vanish to." She said as she pulled the large hat box down from her armoire and bent down to set it on the coffee table. It took up most of the table.

"Nice box." Jordan said in his slightly slurred British accent with a smirk. He had a double meaning as he had been checking her out from behind but it went over her head.

"Thank you. I got it a a thrift store. I thought it would be perfect for my origami." She opened the box and he was stunned at all the different colored animals she had folded and twisted in the box.

"Wow. These are brilliant!" He told her and she handed him a couple to hold and examine up close. "This paper is beautiful."

"Oh, I found this really cool specialty shop near work and they carry all kinds of different papers. I go there on the way home from work sometimes."

"You are really talented. How long have you been doing this?"

"Since I was sixteen. I got a book from my aunt on origami for my birthday. I brushed it off as disinterested but in reality I was so in awe at all the different shapes and forms you can position paper into. I was hooked." Jordan stared at Meredith for a moment with an intrigued expression. "What?"

"I was just wondering all the different shapes and forms I might be able to position you into." Meredith stared at his mouth trying to understand the words even though the heat in her body already understood him perfectly. He looked at her mouth and she licked her lips. That was his sign to charge. He attacked her mouth with his smashing his tongue into hers and sucking on it. He nibbled at her bottom lip and sucked on it before tongue dancing with her again and nearly suffocating her before they both came up for air.

"Wow." Was all Meredith could say.

"Sorry, you were showing me your origami positions. I don't know what came over me." Jordan chuckled.

"My origami positions you wanted to see?" She said as she unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor before kicking it to a corner of the room.

"Why yes. I am very intrigued to see your origami positions." Jordans eyes widened as Meredith pulled her shirt over her head and exposed her body wearing just her panties and bra. She then began to perform odd exagerated stretches. She sat on the floor and folded herself in half. Then spread her legs and folded herself again. Then she rolled onto her back with her legs hanging over her head. She folded herself backwards in an awkward crab like position.

"Hold that position for a moment." Jordan told her then he approached her and removed her bra tossing it in the corner as well. "Much better. I can see the angles of your origami paper better this way." He told her and backed away to let her resume her positions. She went into a full bizarre exaggerated yoga routine, hunching and arching her back in cat cow and wagging her hips side to side. Crane and then into a forward fold. She was in warrior one two and three if there even was a three she was in it. She posed in downward dog and cobra with her C cup breasts pushed out in front of her. All the while Jordan had begun undressing as he watched as he stood facing her fully nude.

When she spread her legs wide and folded at the waist to plant her palms on the ground he moved behind her and caressed her ass cheek with the palm of his hand.

"You're rather sexy, Luv." He said with a grin as she watched him upside down.

"Mmm." She smiled lazily, still tipsy from all the beers they had earlier. "You taste mine I taste yours."

"How could I possibly say no to you." He grinned and grabbed her ass cheek just before slapping it hard.

"OH!" Meredith gasped in surprise and pleasure. Just at that moment Dino emerged from the depths of nowhere and launched himself at Jordan landing just between his shoulder blades and dragging his claws into his back on the way down.

"ARGH! FUCKING ARSE!" Jordan screamed out in pain then realized what had happened. Trying to find the cat so he could murder it. He hunted around the room in a craze screaming, "MY TATTOO! That Fucker Fucked my Tattoo!"

"Tattoo? Are you okay? I'm so sorry, let me get my first aid kit." Meredith ran to the bathroom and came back with bandages and peroxide and cleaned the scratch marks that surely went through a tattoo of the word Trump in large letters in the same font that was on all the Trump Towers resting between Jordan's shoulder blades. He wasn't joking when they first met and he had told her he had a Trump tattoo. The whole time Meredith bandaged him up he was cursing an assortment of vulgarities projected towards Dino and a few towards Meredith. He only let her bandage him to hopefully preserve his tattoo as much as possible.

Once she was done he quickly got dressed and let saying something about "That bitch and her fucking cat!" on his way out.

Meredith sat there in the living room silently for a moment then finally looked at Dino who reappeared from his hiding again and was innocently licking his paws and cleaning his face.

"You really don't like Trump do you?" She said to him then cleaned up the room and went to bed.