
The next day Meredith met Karen, Greg and Mr. Hubert in the meeting room and they went over their ad campaign. Mr. Hubert sat for thirty minutes not saying a word just scrutinizing it in every way possible.

"And you didn't make a backup?" He finally asked.

"No, sir. We thought it would better to risk a gamble on having more time to refine and polish one rather than work on two."

"That was a good idea. Had anyone else done it I wouldn't have agreed but the two of you are something else. Great work indeed."

"Thank you, sir." Meredith and Karen said in unison while Greg nodded in agreement.

"I want the three of you to spend as long as possible with the printers to turn this mock up into the real deal. No half assing it tomorrow give them the holy grail, you got it? And make sure you two are wearing your best for the meeting tomorrow."

"Yes sir." They all three said then got to work finalizing all the prints and creating a full marketing package by the end of day. They had most of the details completed they just needed finalized print proofs. They were working until seven at night getting all the details taken care of.

Meredith got home around eight she didn't even have time to go to lunch with Taylor she had grabbed some vending machine grub and kept working to get everything ready for the meeting. Taylor text her and made sure she remembered to head over after work. Meredith put extra food out for Dino and grabbed her bag that she had packed the night before then headed out to Taylor's apartment in Wicker Park.

When she arrived Meredith sighed and dailed the door call to Taylor's apartment and was buzzed up. She headed up on the elevator thinking she was getting closer to being done with this project finally. She had fun working on it and coming up with a new exciting design but it was exhausting and she would be glad to get back to her regular routine after tomorrow. She missed Dino. She hadn't gotten enough time with him going to bed early or going on dates with Trump obsessed chem lab Brits. Well she thought there was probably only one of him in all the world. And she was going to have to relay what happened to Taylor in a moment.

She got off the elevator and Taylor was already in the hallway meeting her halfway to the apartment. Taylor grabbed one of the bags and padded in her slippers back to her apartment. She lived in a loft apartment above a store front. It had large bay windows and brick walls and vintage meets modern furniture. She had a roommate who traveled a lot the living area was a perfect blend of the two of them. Sarah, Taylor's roommate, was currently out of town so she would let Meredith use her room. Sarah was very laid back and didn't mind.

Sarah had actually offered when she heard of Taylor's grand scheme to get Meredith hitched to a David. Even though she didn't work at Maxwell Sharpe Marketing Inc., she was very aware of who the Davids were. They were the three Divine sons of the business moguls Grant Maxwell and Faith Sharpe. It was widely known that one of them would inherit the title of CEO once their father stepped down.

Meredith set her bags in Sarah's room and took a shower then changed into her satin pajama set. She brought it so she could set her subconscious into sexy confidence for tomorrows meeting. Which Taylor agreed was a nice added touch. Taylor got out her supplies and began prepping Meredith's face with a mask then moisturizer.

"So? What happened on your date yesterday?" Taylor finally asked

"It went great until Dino saw the Trump tattoo and scratched the shit out of it."

"Oh my god. He actually has a Trump tattoo?"

"Yeah, I though he was going to murder Dino."

"Would you blame him?"

"No. Actually I wouldn't" Meredith chuckled lightly.

"What's Dino got against Trump anyway? He's a house cat?"

"I think it's got something to do with Trump giving a bad name to orange."

"Oh!" Taylor laughed out loud at this. "Silly orange fueding kitty. Well I doubt any of the Davids have a Trump tattoo. And they aren't orange so no worries there."

"Oh I have a date to schedule with the movie guard too." Meredith told her when she finished the moisturizer.

"Look at you go. Once you open yourself to options you never know what you will find. Just have fun with it and if you find a guy who treats you like your worth and you fall in love well it's a win win right?"

"I suppose. It was fun hanging out with Jordan and I'm not broken up he think me and my cat are bitches." She laughed and sighed.

"Haha well get some rest I will wake you up early and we will take an uber to work in the morning. I'm not having you late."

"You got it." And with that they both went to bed to prepare for the big day.

-- Author's Note

Isn't Dino cute? (*o*) Sorry for the extra short chapter. The next chapter will be extra long (~.^)