More Surprises

Meredith's chest was rising and falling. She had felt the cool dirt beneath her feet and the light breeze that had wrapped between the trees whispering to the leaves and brushing against her skin. She had felt her landing when she fell to the ground. She saw the intensity in the man's eyes that had approached her.

Her dream felt so real. It took her a moment to readjust herself. She slid her legs over the edge of the bed and stretched with a big yawn before getting out of bed. Brayden wasn't in bed and his side was made as if he hadn't been there at all during the entire night.

Meredith shrugged and headed to the bathroom for her morning ritual brushing her teeth and flossing weren't new to her mornings but she had for the last week been adding facial cleanser, toners, and multiple kinds of moisturizer depending on the time of day. She felt it was all a bit much but she didn't mind keeping up with it. She loved the way her face felt super soft.