When the Same is Different

Meredith was sitting at Taylor's desk in a practically empty department. To be honest the whole floor was pretty much empty with the exception of the cleaning staff that worked during lunch hour. Taylor had given Meredith her desk chair and grabbed her cubicle neighbor's chair and rolled it next to where Meredith sat with Taylor's desk at her back.

Meredith had been recounting her week's trip to Switzerland for about fifteen minutes. She gave as much detail as one could in fifteen minutes. Well, sans a few things like Mizuki being there, how she almost got Meredith killed, and She and Brayden had a strict kiss don't tell from the start of their wedding. 

Rather, since Edward Maxwell started poking around where he didn't belong. Whenever recounting anything that was or should have been romantic, Meredith was always very vague. She had signed on the line of the Death Contract and she wasn't going to budge for simple girl gossip.