
Brayden was thinking that he had to do more. Marrying Meredith and showing up here and there for practically mandatory events just wasn't enough to assure him the CEO's seat. Meredith's falling for him alone wasn't going to be the ride he needed. 

He knew it would take a collaboration of ideas to climb those ladder rungs. He sighed. He had been doing a lot of sighing. The sad thing was he didn't really have any other friends, outside of Mizuki. 

There were two guys that weren't the highest societal figures in the least. They were the unknown sons of a couple of very rich old men, who kept them well out of sight as much as possible. They tried to rub elbows with Brayden all throughout college.

Another sigh and Brayden shook the thought. He had to figure this social aspect of his fathers and soon. He couldn't just throw something together last minute and hope it would stick. He had to build it up. He knew it had to look natural.