
Brayden had asked Meredith to help him figure out how to solve the social requirement to his fathers stipulations for the next CEO. She was pensively thinking before she remembered that she was eating and she could very well eat and think. 

She slowly brought another bite of her lasagna to her mouth as she continued to think about Brayden's dilemma. His dilemma was her dilemma by default. She wasn't sure what would happen if he didn't win the CEO's seat. She imagined that it would mean the entire Death Contract was void.

That would be as amazing as it would be detrimental. She was slowly eating as she thought with even more fervor in light of the idea that she would be released from her cage. But she knew she would enter a new one which would pertain to her mother and father's issues and how involved she should or even could be.

"Didn't you mention that I was somehow the answer to both the family and social requirements?"