Doctor's Orders

Meredith woke up in the middle of a forest clearing on soft mossy grass. She looked around and couldn't tell how she had gotten there. She wanted to get out of that place and go back to bed. She felt an extreme exhaustion.

Meredith was wearing a white princess cut dress that flowed and floated around her as she tried to find a way out. She walked around the clearing peering into the thick trees until she found what looked like a field of some sort at a bit of a distance. 

Meredith walked barefoot over the soft moss-like grass that covered the forest floor as she made it to whatever the opening she had seen through the trees was. Once she arrived she found that it wasn't a field but instead it was a large chess board and there were people standing in the squares.

A man who looked to be the bishop rushed over to Meredith. He was wearing an ornate cassock and an omophorion on his head. He was dressed in all white with silver embroidery and accessories.