
Brayden watched his wife quietly eating across from him. They sat at his desk that he had cleared. Meredith was munching her sandwich in a zombie-like state. Slow and with all emotion removed. She had been that way since he told her he slept with Helena.

He couldn't beat himself more than he already had over it. It was such a stupid mistake. He couldn't believe how he could have possibly not recognized that the woman he touched wasn't his wife.

There were signs but he was blinded to them. He missed her so much he just wanted a part of her, any part she would give him. They had been at odds since the Valentine's Day charity dinner, which had proven a huge success.

They had raised approximately $237,000.00 which they had promised to match, so in all they donated close to half a million dollars to the animals. He thought that was a huge accomplishment for Meredith's first charity dinner.