Another Meeting

Meredith stood partially awakened from her stupor. She felt as though Brayden had blown softly and lifted the fog from around her momentarily, just long enough for her to see him. It was just enough for her to remember how much she missed him. 

Meredith's heart began to ache as she rode the elevator down two floors. She didn't have time to process what was going on with her internally. She took a deep breath as the elevator came to a stop and then she swallowed and walked through the doors after they opened up to the thirty-fifth floor, also known as Edward Maxwell's floor.

From one brother to another, she thought with a hint of melancholy. She sighed and headed for the conference room. Henry was already there along with Karen who had not taken a lunch but spent her lunch hour preparing for the meeting and then arrived early to make up for whoever didn't show up hopefully.