
Meredith's parents hadn't asked why she was still at their house for the whole week. It was Friday and all knew was she had gotten a new job and that there was some talk of moving. Initially they thought Meredith meant she and Brayden were moving. 

The longer Meredith stayed the more suspicious they got that there was more to it than Meredith had told them. Other than running for hours every morning and eating breakfast Meredith stayed in her room. She didn't even come down for lunch or dinner.

They were eating breakfast and Meredith at the table across from her parents. It was in a small dining area off the kitchen with a bathroom adjacent to it and a sun room that worked as their family room.

Meredith was wearing her running leggings and t-shirt. Her skin glistened with a sheen of sweat from the long run in the neighborhood. Her parents didn't know where she went on her runs, just that she was gone for hours.