
"I know about the marriage contract," Meredith had heard her father-in-law tell her. She was hoping that he didn't bring up Brayden because she wasn't sure what she could say. But he went a step further and mentioned the fake marriage directly.

To say that Meredith was surprised would be an understatement in the least. Her mouth was left open as she was about to take a bite of her salad. She held her fork mid way to her mouth and as she blinked she closed her mouth and opened it again at a loss for what to do.

"Don't worry I knew before he told me. I've known pretty much from the start. Brayden isn't the type to spontaneously meet women let alone get married." Grant told Meredith.

"Umm…" Meredith put her fork down and blinked a few more times. He knew the whole time. She went through all that to convince him that they were a real couple and yet he had known from the get go that they were faking.